Grants For Undergraduate Students

Grants and tuition credits are considered "gift aid.” Eligibility for need based grants and tuition credits is determined based on the student’s demonstrated financial need. Students must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA ® ) annually and meet the minimum eligibility requirements to be considered for need based grants and tuition credits.

The following programs are available to undergraduate students:

Types of Available Grant Programs

PellFederal Pell Grant

  • The Federal Pell Grant is available to high need undergraduate students who are pursuing their first undergraduate degree and who meet all other eligibility criteria required for receipt of federal assistance.
  • Eligibility is determined by Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), Federal Poverty Levels, and the Student Aid Index (SAI).
  • For 2024-2025, awards range from $740 - $7395 depending on eligibility and enrollment intensity (ie, the number of credits the student is enrolled). Eligibility is limited to the equivalent of 12 full-time semesters.

CFH-programChildren of Fallen Heroes Program

  • Federal grant program for undergraduate students
  • Student must be the child of a parent or guardian who died in the line of duty while either:
    • (a.) serving on active duty as a member of the U.S. Armed Forces on or after September 11, 2001; or
    • (b.) actively serving as and performing the duties of a public safety officer.
  • Student must self-identify as eligible on the FAFSA
  • Student must submit required documentation to the financial aid portal
  • Find more detailed information about the Children of Fallen Heroes Program and eligibility requirements

SupplementalFederal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG):

  • Federal grant program awarded to students with exception financial need
  • Eligibility determined by demonstrated financial need
  • Awards may range from $200 to $4000, depending on available funds and number of eligible applicants

teachFederal TEACH Grant Program:

  • Federal grant program awarded to graduate and undergraduate students
  • Students must be enrolled in coursework toward a career in teaching in a high need field at a school or educational service agency that serves low income students
  • Awards provide up to $4000 per year
  • Find more detailed information about the TEACH Grant Program and eligibility requirements

massgrantMassachusetts Grant (MassGrant) Program:

  • State grant program awarded to students with exceptional financial need
  • FAFSA must be filed each year by May 1
  • Must be enrolled Full time (12+ Credits)
  • Must be a legal Massachusetts state resident
  • For 2023-2024, awards range from $1200 - $3000 depending on eligibility

masspartMass Part-Time Grant:

  • State grant program awarded to students with exceptional financial need
  • Eligibility determined by demonstrated financial need and available funds
  • Must be enrolled in 6-11 undergraduate credits
  • Must be a permanent legal Massachusetts state resident
  • Award amounts vary

MassGrantPlusMassachusetts Grant (MassGrant) Plus Program:

  • State grant program awarded to students with exceptional need
  • Must be a legal Massachusetts state resident
  • Must demonstrate financial need for tuition and fees after accounting for expected family contribution (EFC) and all forms of scholarship and grant aid.
  • Award amounts vary by financial need and available funding
  • For more information, please visit Massachusetts Department of Higher Education

In-DemandMassachusetts In-Demand Program

  • State grant program awarded to undergraduate and graduate students
  • Must declare a major or currently be pursuing a program of study offered and verifiable by the institution that is designated as an in-demand profession by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
  • Both UGRD and CSCE programs are eligible
  • Enrolled part-time (at least 6 credits) or full-time (12 credits.)
  • Maintain minimum college-level 3.0 GPA annually and Satisfactory Academic Progress in accordance with institutional standards
  • Annually complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or the Massachusetts Application for State Financial Aid (MASFA), for consideration of assistance by any designated deadline
  • Must be a legal Massachusetts state resident
  • Award amounts for eligible applicants under this program may vary based on a student’s enrollment and charges.
  • For more information, please visit the Office of Student Financial Assistance

dhecreditDepartment of Higher Education Tuition Credit (DHE Credit):

  • State grant program awarded to students with financial need
  • Eligibility is determined by demonstrated financial need and available funds
  • Available to undergraduate students enrolled at least half time, priority given to full time students
  • Must be a legal resident of Massachusetts
  • Applies to undergraduate state supported coursework only
  • Award provided up to $1454

DHEgrantDepartment of Higher Education Grant (DHE Grant):

  • State grant program awarded to students with financial need
  • Eligibility is determined by demonstrated financial need and available funds
  • Available to undergraduate students, priority given to full time students
  • Must be a legal resident of Massachusetts
  • Awards vary but typically range from $500 - $1400

Department of Higher Education Completion Grant DHECompGrant

  • State grant program awarded to students within 2-3 semesters of degree completion
  • Must be a permanent legal Massachusetts state resident
  • Must have demonstrated need
  • Award amounts vary

osfaThe Massachusetts Office of Student Financial Assistance provides a number of scholarships, grants, and tuition credit programs, including but not limited to:

  • Adopted/Foster Tuition and Fee Waivers
  • Christian A. Herter Memorial Scholarship
  • Early Childhood Educator’s Scholarship
  • Foster Child Grant
  • Gear Up
  • High Demand Scholarship
  • John & Abigail Adams Scholarship
  • Massachusetts Public Service Grant
  • Paraprofessional Teacher Preparation Grant
  • Stanley Z. Koplik Certificate of Mastery
  • Tomorrow’s Teachers Scholarship

Visit the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education for more information on available programs, eligibility, and application requirements.

needgrantUMass Lowell Need Based Grant:

  • Institutional grant awarded to students with financial need
  • Eligibility is determined by demonstrated financial need, priority given to full time students
  • Award amounts vary

umlscholarUMass Lowell Scholarship:

  • Institutional grant awarded to students with financial need
  • Eligibility is determined by demonstrated financial need and high academic achievement, priority given to full time students
  • Award amounts vary

GPSGPS Scholarship:

  • Institutional grant awarded to undergraduate students
  • Priority consideration given to students with financial need
  • Applies to online and professional studies coursework only
  • Award amounts vary
  • A FAFSA is not required