UMass Lowell’s education, workforce development and R&D in biotech leverages faculty expertise in engineering, sciences and health sciences. Areas of expertise include biomanufacturing, nutrition, advanced materials, renewable polymers, biosensors, imaging technologies, automation, printed and flexible electronics, 3D printing, data analytics and advanced computing.
Discovering ways to use the biological processes, organisms or systems to manufacture products to improve the quality of life.

Major Research Projects
- UMass Lowell experts create an in-house COVID-19 testing lab
- Mobile apps improving health of underserved populations
- Contrast agents designed specifically to recognize and bind to breast cancer cells, amplifying X-ray signals
- Waterborne infectious diseases and methods to predict and prevent outbreaks
- Lyophilization Research Bay is the first pilot-scale facility on the East Coast that is located in a clean-room environment and is accessible to outside users
- Effective & easy to use multifunctional drug-delivery system for treatment of oral ulcers
- Investigating spider silk to make products from genetically engineered fibers
- Eggshells to help grow and heal human bones

Associated Centers, Labs & Facilities
- Massachusetts Biomanufacturing Center
- Center for Digital Health (CDH)
- Center for Advanced Materials (CAM)
- Biomedical Terahertz Technology Center
- Radiation Laboratory
- Next Generation Sequencing & Genomics Lab
- Analytical Chemistry Lab
- Small Animal Imaging Lab
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Facility
- Lyophilization Pilot Scale Facility
- Fabric Discovery Center
- HEROES (Harnessing Emerging Research Opportunities to Empower Soldiers)
- UMass Movement Research Center (UMOVE)

Associated Faculty
Faculty in computer science, engineering, sciences and health science are experts in:
Bioimaging, Diagnostics & Instrumentation
- Dionysios Christodouleas
- KwokFan Chow
- Walfre Franco
- Robert Giles
- Mufeed Mahd
- Noureddine Melikechi
- Anna Yaroslavsky
- Hengyong Yu
Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials
Nutrition & Microbiome
Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics & Bioinformatics
Nanomaterials & Nanomedicine
Biomechanics & Musculoskeletal
Partnership Opportunities
Advance your company’s R&D efforts through collaboration with expert faculty and leverage government funding for research available through the following programs.
Manufacturing USA
This network of manufacturing innovation institutes is a public-private partnership in distinct technology areas, which receives matching funding from the sponsoring federal agency.
- ARM (Advanced Robotics Manufacturing) – creates robotic technology through integration of industry practices and multi-disciplined knowledge in areas including sensors, artificial intelligence, human and machine interfaces.
- ARMI (Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute) BioFabUSA – integrates innovative cell and tissue cultures with advances in biofabrication, automation, robotics, and analytical technologies to create disruptive research and development tools and FDA-compliant volume manufacturing processes.
- NextFlex – furthers development of flexible hybrid electronics including biomedical sensors.
- NIIMBL (National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals) – develops more efficient and flexible manufacturing capabilities for existing and emerging biopharmaceutical products.
Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers Program
This NSF funded program establishes collaborative Industry-University research centers that allow industry members to direct research focus areas, with funding from the membership.
- AMBIC (Advanced Mammalian Biomanufacturing Innovation Center) – develops enabling technologies, knowledge, design tools and methods that apply and integrate high-throughput and genome-based technologies to fast-track advanced biomanufacturing processes.
- SHAP3D (Center for Science of Heterogeneous Additive Printing of 3D Materials) – addresses fundamental research challenges to meet commercial needs for 3D printing of heterogeneous materials.
Contact Us
For more Information contact:
Arlene Parquette, Associate Vice Chancellor for Industry Partnerships and Economic Development
Phone: 978-934-4881