Our social media accounts, including UMass Lowell Economics Twitter, UMass Lowell Economics on Facebook, and UMass Lowell Economics LinkedIn, provide our latest department news.

May 2024
The UML Digital Equity Partnership offers digital literacy training, laptop distribution, public space computer modernization and internet promotion this year. It is funded by a grant of $4 million received by Professor Carol McDonough (the principal investigator) from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. Professor Ben Li is an associate investigator. The grant and training were featured on the university website. Visit webpage of the story.
April 2024
Professor Monica Galizzi received the Faculty Excellence Award for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion of our university.
Our students attended the talk by Raj Chetty on “Creating Equality of Opportunity in America: New Insights from Big Data” in Lexington.

David Turcotte, Research Professor Emeritus, was quoted in a WBGH story about the UMass Lowell LINC project. Visit webpage of the story.

Monica Galizzi receives the AEA award for Outstanding Achievement in Diversity and Inclusion for the Department of Economics at UMass Lowell.
January 2024
We received American Economic Association's 2023 Award for Outstanding Achievement in Diversity and Inclusion! Professor Monica Galizzi was our department's representative at the ceremony.
December 2023
Min Gong, Amazon's economist and science lead, had a virtual conversation with our students on December 1, 2023. Professor Charlie Xu was the moderator.

November 2023
On November 29, the Women in Economics hosted a night in which economics students watched the Barbie movie. The Women in Economics, organized by Professor Kelly Hellman, meets each semester to support our students identifying as female and non-binary but welcomes all economics students to join our events. We plan to host another movie night next semester!
David Turcotte, Research Professor Emeritus, was given the 2023 Housing Impact Award to recognize his outstanding research, education, and outreach activities on the health impacts of housing on occupants (healthy homes) at the annual conference of the Housing Education and Research Association on October 10, 2023 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
October 2023
Professor Carol McDonough receives a grant of $4 million from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative to spearhead a large project focused on the digital divide in the state. Robin Toof, Co-Director of the Center for Community Research and Engagement of FAHSS, is a co-Principal Investigator of the grant. Professor Ben Li is on Professor McDonough's research team, working with community partners in Lowell, Haverhill, and Fitchburg.
September 2023
Professor Monica Galizzi helps organize the Cary lecture series in Lexington, MA. Visit website of the Cary lecture series.
June 2023
The New England Consortium at UMass Lowell, led by Professor David Turcotte, has partnered for the first time with the Lowell Community Health Center to provide disaster preparedness training sessions to the public. The training covers topics such as steps to plan for potential disasters and checklists for families and organizations. These sessions aim to help the community become more resilient in the face of climate change-induced severe weather events. Read the news released by the university: The New England Consortium Partners with Lowell Community Health Center to Provide Training.
May 2023
Our department organized a celebration to honor our spring graduates. We take immense pride in the accomplishments of all our graduates and extend our heartfelt wishes for success in their future endeavors.
April 2023
Professor Charlie Xu is going to join our department this fall.
March 2023
Professor David Turcotte coedited a special issue of Housing and Society published by Routledge.
December 2022
Professor David Turcotte commented on clean energy upgrades in the The Kansas City Star on December 6, 2022. Read his comment in the article: How much the Inflation Reduction Act’s clean energy incentives will save homeowners on upgrades.
October 2022
The department decided that three new economics courses will be offered in Spring 2022: Economic Inequality, Climate Change Economics, and Innovation in the Global Economy.
The department and the Department of Physical Therapy & Kinesiology (our new neighbor) had a joint celebration of neighborhood.
The department joined with the office of the dean and other faculty from the College to celebrate its new location.
Our student team participated in the College Fed Challenge competition organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
September 2022
Professor Kelly Hellman and our student Madhava Narasimhadevara published "The Viability of Implementing Hydrogen in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts" with their coauthors in Frontiers in Energy Research.
Our Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Economics program began admitting students.
June 2022
The economics department moved to the third floor of the Health and Social Sciences (HSS) building on the South Campus.
May 2022
The following students won the Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards in Economics of this year: Emily Sayler, Jonathan Meister, and Dongjoo Lee.
Our Quantitative Economics program is featured on the UMass Lowell (UML) website: New B.S. in Quantitative Economics Focuses on In-Demand Skills. This new program, which grants bachelor's degrees in science, will officially begin this fall.
Our student Wonder Ahiatsi is also featured on the UML website.
April 2022
Professor Tommaso Tempesti received the Open Educational Resources (OER) Champions Award. This award was established by UML to recognize faculty who take the lead in using, promoting, or creating OER materials.
Professor David Turcotte commented on a new study reporting 43% of renters think their home contributes negatively to their overall health. Read his comment in Boston.com's Concerned about the impact your apartment is having on your health? You’re not alone.. He was also interviewed by the real estate website Point2 on the declining share of homeowners without high school education in the US. Read his interview in: Homeownership by Education: Degree-Holding Owners Surge as Those Without High School Drop 30%.
Our major Emily Sayler is a winner of the 2022 UML Student Research Symposium.
Our Economics Society held a fun-filled and pizza-fueled evening. They played an economics themed game of Jeopardy.
March 2022
Students in Professor Monica Galizzi's health economics class met with Princeton Professors Anne Case and Angus Deaton (2015 Nobel Prize laureate in economics) after they gave a public lecture.
February 2022
Professor David Turcotte co-edited a special issue for the journal "Housing and Society" on housing and health, and co-authored the introduction chapter for the special issue. Read the journal issue: Guest editors’ introduction to the special issue on housing and health.
Professor Monica Galizzi was a keynote speaker at the II Biannual Workshop on "Technological Change, Health, Inequality and Data for Policy Evaluation" organized by the University of Turin, Italy. Her talk was titled: "Incentives and Outcomes for Injured Workers in the 21st Century: Lesson learned, Unanswered Questions, and Directions for Future Research".
January 2022
Professor John Korsak was interviewed by Moneygeek.com on the economics of travel credit cards. Read Professor Korsak's analysis in the interview: Guest editors’ introduction to the special issue on housing and health.
December 2021
Professor David Kingsley, as part of an interdisciplinary team of UMass Lowell (UML) faculty, received a five-year, $2,998,922 National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Traineeship award to create the Sustainable Water Innovations in Materials – Mentoring, Education and Research (SWIMMER) program at UML.
October 2021
Professor David Turcotte is selected to serve as a delegate to the United Nations Climate Change 2021 (COP26) Conference in Glasgow. COP26 is the most important UN Climate Change Conference since 2015. Delegates will discuss the global negotiations and commitments that reduce carbon emissions. Professor Turcotte and other delegates will hold an on-campus discussion of the COP26 Conference 2021. Professor Turcotte is also a member of the Climate Change Initiative (CCI) at UML who coordinates the delegation's visit. (Update: after the conference, Professor Turcotte shares his report on Richard Howe's website; there is also a UML news article: Good COP, Bad COP: UML Delegates Reflect on U.N. Climate Summit).
July 2021
Professor Brendan Epstein released his paper with Miles S. Kimball, "The Decline of Drudgery and the Paradox of Hard Work," as a NBER working paper.
May 2021
Virtual graduation celebration 2021. This is the second virtual graduation celebration held by our department during the pandemic. The following students won Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards in Economics: Marharyta Butsko, Riley Coviello, Jacklyn DaSilva, Clara Defourt, Rachel Jordan, and Sabrina Maldonado.
Two economics majors, Emily Sayler and Douglas Correa-Ospina, are chosen by the UML 2021-22 Emerging Scholars Research Partnerships Program as Emerging Scholars.
Our 2020 graduate Pratibha Gautam and Professor Ben Li published their paper "HIV infections and nightlight luminosity" in Economics Letters.
February 2021
Professor Anne Rhoads presented a seminar on "Insights from Behavioral Economics for Making and Sticking to a Budget" to the group Women Accelerators.
November 2020
Professor Carol McDonough was reelected as MSP President.
October 2020
Professor Monica Galizzi gave a talk on "The Gendered Workforce" at the Southern New Hampshire Meeting of the American Association of University Women.
October 2020
Our team competed virtually in the Fed challenge organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
May 29, 2020
UMass Lowell's Virtual Commencement Ceremony.
- The following economics students graduated magna cum laude: Olivia Cheung, Daniel Hogan, Pratibha Gautam, Maddi Hertz, and Hunter Williamson.
- The following economics students graduated cum laude: Kevin Dela Cruz, Eno Adoghe, Frank D'Amico, Christian Colombo, Chris Donald, Victoria Riley, and Tom Connors.
May 18, 2020
Our first virtual graduation celebration in history. Dean Luis Falcon, Associate Dean Richard Serna, Associate Dean Sue Kim, and Assistant Dean Wael Kamal joined us to celebrate this moment during the pandemic. The following students won Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards in Economics: Zach Caraviello, Olivia Cheung, Chris Donald, Maddi Hertz, Dan Hogan, Derek Osik, Jamie Piskorowski, Hunter Williamson, and Adam Zakkouri.
May 14, 2020
Professor Monica Galizzi answered questions at Congresswoman Lori Trahan's Tele-town Hall. She and Pardis Sabeti (Harvard) were invited as co-panelists.
Last week of April, 2020
Our Honors students defended their theses, including Olivia Cheung on "The Impact of Publicly Funded Disaster Aid on Income and Racial Equality in the United States," and Pratibha Gautam on "Nightlight Luminosity and HIV Statistics."
April 10, 2020
Professor Monica Galizzi ran three online workshops on Salary negotiation as part of the UMass Lowell Career Networking Night.
March 2, 2020
Our major Riley Coviello received the 2020 Charles Phillips Outstanding Student Leader Award of the International Omicron Delta Epsilon Society.

November 8, 2019
Professor Monica Galizzi gave a talk on wage gaps at the Boott Cotton Mills Museum. It was part of the Lowell Talks series that speak to the local community and the general public.
November 8, 2019
Our team competed in the Boston Fed challenge organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
October 17, 2019
Our first "Women in Economics" meeting was held.

October 15, 2019
Professor Shakil Quayes was nominated Donahue Ethics Fellow for his research on Ethics and Microfinance.
October 10, 2019
Professor David Turcotte received a $999,999 grant from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). The grant supports the development of new scientific techniques to assess and control home-related health risks.
May 2, 2019
Musa Orak (Federal Reserve Board) and Professor Elena Spatoulas Patel (University of Utah) came to UMass Lowell to present at the department’s symposium on the growing role of women, minorities, and international scholars in Economics. They gave the students a wonderful overview of the different paths that can lead to the choice of economics as a major, and of all of the varied professional opportunities open to those who study the discipline. Chair Monica Galizzi and Associate Dean Sue Kim greeted the participants and framed the discussion. Professor Brendan Epstein moderated the event. Many current and prospective economics majors and faculty attended the event. The symposium was part of the ongoing effort by the department to introduce its students to the richness and variety of “voices” and potential experiences within the economics profession.
November 30, 2018
Sorraya Jaiprasert, a Honors student majoring in Economics, successfully defended her Honors thesis, titled The Impact of International Trade on the Human Development Index.
October 27, 2018
Our department organized the first UMass System Economics Conference. Representatives from all UMass system campuses were in attendance.