Sample Degree Pathway for Master of Science, Security Studies

For students entering Fall 2023 and before. 
All programs are 30 credits, consisting of 5 core courses (15 credits) and 5 electives (15 credits).
Core Courses
Course #Course NameCr.
CRIM.5750Contemporary Security Studies3
CRIM.5780Intelligence Analysis: Policy and Practice3
CRIM.6680Scientific and Technical Dimensions of National Security3
CRIM.5910Research Design3
CRIM.6990                           Security Studies Capstone Research Paper3

Electives for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive Security (choose 5)

Course NumberCourse NameCredits
CRIM.6640Weapons of Mass Destruction3
EECE.5410Introduction to Biosensors3
MLSC.6130Infectious Disease*3
PUBH.5750Introduction to Epidemiology3
RADI.5010LRadiological Safety and Control I*3
RADI.5020LRadiological Safety and Control II*3
RADI.5060Nuclear Instrumentation*3
RADI.5620Radiation Biology*3
ENVS.5810Understanding the Massachusetts Contingency Plan3

*Indicates a course that requires special permission from the instructor before enrolling.

Other graduate-level electives taken at UMass Lowell or at other campuses of the University of Massachusetts may also count toward the 5 electives, based on approval of the Program Director and Graduate Faculty Group.

Total credits: 30

Last updated 12/26/18.