Minor in Biomedical Technology
The Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences, in cooperation with Francis College of Engineering and Kennedy College of Sciences, offer an interdisciplinary minor in Biomedical Technology. Students completing the Biomedical Technology minor will be well prepared to pursue graduate studies in the distinctive Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology program.
The minor consists of at least 20 credits with required 14 credits in biology, physiology, statistics, and biomedical engineering. In addition, at least 6 credits of upper division courses are required as technical electives.
Required Courses (14 credits)
Biology (choose one)
- BIOL.1110 / BIOL.1170L Principles of Biology I / Principles of Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL.1220 / BIOL.1240L Biology for Scientists / Biology for Scientists Lab
- BIOL.2100 / BIOL.2120L Biology for Engineers / Biology for Engineers Laboratory1
Physiology & Anatomy (choose one)
- BIOL.4620 / BIOL.4630L Cardiovascular Physiology / Cardiovascular Physiology Lab1
- BIOL.5620 / BIOL.5630L Cardiovascular Physiology / Cardiovascular Physiology Lab2
- HSCI.1020 / HSCI.1040 Human Anatomy and Physiology II / Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II
- LIFE.1020 / LIFE.1040L Life Science II / Life Science II Laboratory
Statistics (choose one)
- CIVE.2860 Probability and Statistics for Engineers
- MATH.2830 Introduction to Statistics
- MATH.3850 Applied Statistics
- MATH.3860 Probability and Statistics I1
- MECH.3610 Math Methods for Mechanical Engineers
- PLAS.3060 Methods of Experimental Analysis
Biomedical Engineering
- BMBT.5000 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering & Biotechnology2
Elective Courses (6 credits)
Two courses2/3 from a selected list which is approved by the Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences, Francis College of Engineering and Kennedy College of Sciences. This can be chosen based on the specialization, or track.
Assistive Technology
- BIOL.4190 Biochemistry
- BIOL.4200 Biochemistry II
- CHEM.5700 Protein Chemistry
- HSCI.3500 Human Biochemistry
- CHEN.5060 Colloidal, Interfacial and Nanomaterials Science and Engineering
- CHEN.5460 Biomaterials Science and Engineering
- CHEN.5330 Macromolecular Colloidal Science and Engineering
- CHEM.6720 Surface and Colloid Chemistry
- PLAS.5420 Colloidal Nanoscience and Nanoscale Engineering
- PLAS.5750 Biomaterials I
- PLAS.5790 Problems in Biomaterials/Directed Studies
- PLAS.6750 Biomaterials II
- POLY.5030 Polymer Science I
- POLY.5040 Polymer Science II
- BMEN.5300 Ergonomics and Work
- BMEN.5310 Occupational Biomechanics
- BMEN.5320 Occupational Biomechanics Laboratory
- BMEN.6320 Advanced Biomechanics
- BMEN.6380 Methods of Work Analysis
Biophysics and Biotechnology
- PHYS.4010 Radiation Safety and Control I
- PHYS.4620 Radiation Biology
- RADI.5650 Introduction to Radiation Therapy Physics
- RADI.6060 Monte Carlo Simulation of Radiation Transport
- CHEN.5340 Industrial Bioprocessing
- CHEN.5350 Cell and Microbe Cultivation
- CHEN.5450 Isolation and Purification
- CHEN.5480 Engineering Process Analytics
- CHEN.5550 Biopharmaceutical Regulatory Compliance
- BIOL.2350 Genetics
- BIOL.4050L Bioinformatics
- BIOL.4062 / BIOL.4062LÂ Bioinformatic Tools in Sequence Analysis / Bioinformatic Tools in Sequence Analysis Lab
- BIOL.4600 Stem Cell Biology
- BMSC.4350 Applied Biomedical Genetics
Medical Devices
- EECE.4410 Introduction to Biosensors
- PLAS.5530 Medical Device Design I
- PLAS.5540 Medical Device Design II
Medical Imaging
- EECE.4110 Medical Diagnostic Imaging
- EECE.4600 Biomedical Instrumentation
- PHYS.5770 Solid State Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices
- RADI.5980 Medical Imaging I
- RADI.6980 Medical Imaging II
Molecular Biotechnology
- BIOL.4210L Biochemistry Techniques
- BIOL.4690L Molecular Techniques
- BIOL.4760 Cell Culture
- BIOL.4930 Immunology
1Recommended courses but alternate courses may be substituted as appropriate.
2Undergraduate students may be limited in the number of graduate courses they are able to take.
3All pre-requisites must be satisfied and that a student must present at least 9 credits of coursework that come from outside of all the student’s majors.
Note: additional courses may be added by each college to their list of elective courses.
For more information, contact program coordinator Thomas Wilson.