All MSE degree candidates must satisfy each of the following four requirements. No course can count towards more than one requirement:
Three (3) credit hours of advanced mathematics from the following list:
Course #Course NameCr.
MECH.5200Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations3
ENGY.5390(CHEN.5390)Mathematical Methods for Engineers3
MATH.5450Partial Differential Equations3
MATH.5300Applied Math I3
Three (3) credit hours of solid mechanics courses from the following list:
Course #Course NameCr.
MECH.5960Mechanics of Composite Materials3
MECH.5130Theory of Finite Element Analysis3
MECH.5620Solid Mechanics I3
MECH.5630Dynamic Behavior of Materials
MECH.5910Mechanical Behavior of Materials3
Three (3) credit hours of thermofluid courses from the following list:
Course #Course NameCr.
MECH.5410Advanced Heat Transfer3
MECH.5491Advanced Thermodynamics3
MECH.5590Multi-Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics I3
MECH.5810Advanced Fluids Mechanics3
MECH.5260Transport Processes in Energy Systems3

Either 1 or 2 below:

TracksDetailsTotal Credit Hours
1.Thesis TrackM.S Students on the thesis track will design a student specific curriculum sequence of 12 credit hours of coursework with the first semester of graduate study.9 Credit hours of thesis research, 12 Hours coursework, at least one semester of the 0 credit research seminar (MECH.5010)
2.Non-Thesis TrackIn their first year students on a non-thesis track must submit a plan of study to the graduate coordinator and obtain his/her approval9 credit hours of coursework in a Mechanical Engineering concentration and 12 credit hours of coursework approved by the graduate coordinator.

Vibrations/Dynamics/Controls Concentration Courses
Course #Course NameCr.
MECH.5100Dynamics and Diagnostics of Rotating Machinery 3
MECH.5130Finite Element Analysis I3
MECH.5150Modal Analysis3
MECH.5160Experimental Model Analysis3
MECH.5180Signal Processing Techniques3
MECH.5190Engineering Spectral Analysis3
MECH.5230Structural Health Monitoring 3
MECH.5240Fundamentals of Acoustics3
MECH.5300Autonomous Robotic Systems3
MECH.5315Modern Control Systems3
MECH.5520Probabilistic Methods and Analysis3
MECH.5540Dynamic Systems and Controls3
MECH.6030Special Topics: Vibration Dynamics3
MECH.6110Matrix Methods3
EECE.5130Control Systems3
EECE.5840Probability and Random Processes3