You have a passion serving others to support positive change in the world. Now you can highlight your community experiences in and beyond the classroom. As you engage in meaningful community service, our commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Justice (DEIBJ) seamlessly intertwines with Community Engagement, creating a powerful synergy that not only supports positive change but also ensures that your impact resonates inclusivity and fairness, both locally and globally.

Community Engagement Distinction Requirements:

  1. Sign up and select the Community Engagement Distinction in the RHED portal
  2. Complete 2 approved courses within the Community Engagement Distinction
  3. Complete 2 pre-approved experiences within the Community Engagement Distinction
  4. One of these two experiences must be an unpaid volunteer experience
  5. Complete guided reflections for courses/ experiences, and submit supporting learning artifacts for each course
    • Reflection: An academic reflection is a short essay for assessment in an academic, experiential learning and skill development context. Guided questions/prompts provided
    • Learning Artifact: A learning artifact is something that you created in response to a course assignment. It may be an essay, slideshow, website, poster, brochure, or something else.

See the Approved Community Engagement courses.

View the Pre-approved Community Engagement experiences.

Check out the RHED Community Engagement Rubric.

Option: Students may propose a custom-designed experience or request a course approval by contract.

  • Submitted by student to reflect their individual experiences
  • Must meet at least half of the Distinction's learning outcomes
  • Individual request approval is managed by the RHED committee members

Upon graduation, the Distinction is added to student's transcript, they receive a certificate, and are awarded a RED braided cord to wear at graduation.

RHED Portal & Sign-up