Sample Degree Pathway for Master of Arts - Public Administration - Spring 2022 and Beyond

All programs are 39 credits, consisting of 6 required courses, 2 courses from the flexible core, and 6 courses within a specialized option.
Required Courses
Course #Course NameCr.
MPAD.5010Foundations for Public Administration3
MPAD.5020Public & Non Profit Budgeting and Financial Management2
MPAD.5030Public & Non Profit Management & Leadership3
MPAD.5040Data Analysis3
MPAD.5400Public Finance3
Required Courses - Flexible Core (pick 2)
Course #Course NameCr.
MPAD.5100Public Policy Analysis3
MPAD.5120Communication Strategies for Public and Non-profit Managers3
MPAD.5150Public and Non-profit Personnel Management3
PSYC.5260Managing Workplace Diversity3
MPAD.5300Gender & Admiinistration3
MPAD.5210Opioid Epidemic Policy and Management
Required Courses for Public Humanities and the Arts
Course #Course NameCr.
MPAD.5200Arts and Humanities in the Community3
MUBU.5040Administration & Marketing3
MPAD.6010Capstone Experience3
Elective Courses for Public Humanities and the Arts
Course #Course NameCr.
ARHI.6010History and Theory of Public Art3
HIST.5060History Writing and the Community3
ARHI.5020The Idea of the Museum
HIST.5020Introduction to Archives3
ENGL.5010Theory & Practice of Literary/Historical Tourism3
MAPD.5300Informal Learning Theory & Practice3
ENGL.5060Writing in the Community3

Total Credits = 39

Last updated: 1/10/2019