All MSE degree candidates must satisfy each of the following four requirements. No course can count towards more than one requirement:
Core Courses (4 three-credit courses)
Course #Course NameCr.
IENG.5010Advanced Deterministic Modeling & Analysis3
IENG.5020Advanced Stochastic Modeling & Analysis3
IENG.5050Industrial Automation3
BMEN.5300Ergonomics and Work3

TracksDetailsTotal Credit Hours
1.Thesis TrackM.S Students on the thesis track will design a student-specific curriculum sequence of 12 credit hours of coursework (in consultation with the thesis advisor and approved in writing by the student and their thesis advisor) within the first semester of graduate study. The contact will be sent to the graduate coordinator and to the Registrar's office.9 credit hours of thesis research, 9 credit hours of coursework approved by the thesis advisor, and at least one semester of the 0 credit research seminar (MECH.5010)
2.Non-Thesis TrackIn their first year students on a non-thesis track must submit a plan of study to the graduate coordinator and obtain his/her approval. Any change to the submitted plan requires the approval of the graduate coordinator.6 credit hours of coursework in an Industrial Engineering concentration and 12 credit hours of coursework approved by the graduate coordinator.

Analytics and Operations Concentration Courses
Course #Course NameCr.
IENG.5040Manufacturing Systems3
IENG.5030Advanced Manufacturing Processes3
IENG.5070Facilities Planning & Material Handling3
IENG.5080Advanced Human-Machine Systems Design3
IENG.5090Directed Study1-3
IENG.7410Master's Thesis Industrial Engineering9
IENG.7510Advanced Projects in Industrial Engineering3
BMEN.5310Occupational Biomechanics3
MECH.5710Quality Engineering3
MECH.5740Design for Reliability3
MECH.5750Industrial Design of Experiments3
MATH.5910Linear Statistics Modeling and Regression3
MIST.6030Database Management3
MIST.6060Business Intelligence and Data Mining3
MIST.6150Data Engineering for Business Analytics3
MIST.6140Social and Economic Networks3
MIST.6160Advanced Data Mining3
POMS.6120Statistics for Predictive Analytics3
POMS.6220Decision Analytics3
POMS.6240Analytical Decision-Making Tools3
POMS.6210Advanced Statistics for Business Analytics3
POMS.6010Operations Management3
PLAS.5450Lean Manufacturing3