Civil engineers design, construct, operate and maintain facilities and systems that serve the basic needs of society.
Environmental engineers design solutions to protect the environment and create a more sustainable world.

UMass Lowell Advantages

  • Specialty areas. Focus your studies in Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Geoenvironmental Engineering, Structural Engineering or Transportation Engineering.
  • Career flexibility. Gain technical training and problem-solving skills for an engineering career in local industry, consulting firms and state/federal agencies. Our graduates have also built careers in law, financial analysis, software development and business.
  • Dedicated faculty. Our CEE classes are taught by full-time faculty and class sizes are small. 
  • ABET-accredited. Our undergraduate degree program in Civil Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET.

Meet Our Students & Alumni

Ariel Shramko headshot
Ariel Shramko
Environmental Engineering

Ariel Shramko is growing food for Earth and beyond.

Read More About Ariel Shramko 
Maureen Kelly
Maureen Kelly
Civil & Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering

A service-learning capstone in Lowell and Haiti transformed Maureen Kelly’s civil engineering education — and her life. She now works for a firm that supports her ongoing volunteer work in Haiti and her mentoring of current students.

Read More About Maureen Kelly 
 Christine Clancy smiles in an office in Lowell
Christine Clancy
Civil and Environmental Engineering

As Lowell’s city engineer, civil and environmental engineering alum Christine Clancy ’06 is responsible for infrastructure projects on streets, bridges and sidewalks throughout the city – including those on the campus of her alma mater.

Read More About Christine Clancy 
Zach McDonough, facilities project coordinator at UMass Lowell
Zach McDonough
Civil and Environmental Engineering

As senior project manager with Facilities Management, Zach McDonough ’16 is building a successful career path at his alma mater.

Read More About Zach McDonough