Experiments In Learning

Current assessment activities graphic

The office of the Provost and the Vice Provost for Student Success supports the continuous improvement of student learning with efforts to assess that learning at every level, from campus-wide to the individual assignment. We use a variety of methods to inquire into our students’ learning experiences, relying on both direct and indirect measures, and using both quantitative and qualitative methods; we abide by a principle of transparency in assessment to ensure confidence in our shared. We are committed to using evidence about learning to guide our policies and projects, and we provide professional development about assessment for our campus community. We engage faculty, staff and students to explore the transformational learning taking place at UMass Lowell, to intervene to make improvements, and to share knowledge about the practices that foster our students’ intellectual achievement and personal fulfillment.

For more information about or assistance with student learning outcome assessment at the course, department, or campus level, please email: Paula_Haines@uml.edu.