Under UMass Lowell’s Microsoft Office 365, MS Teams is available to all faculty/staff access. Teams allows for cloud-based productivity and collaboration through chat, file sharing, video conferencing (similar to Zoom), and a host of other features in a more efficient way.

The Council on Social Justice & Inclusion (CSJI) will be using MS Teams to centralize notes, reports and files for each taskforce and respective subcommittees.

Accessing the Application

The Council will be inviting each taskforce member onto the established CSJI Team. You will receive an email with the Teams link. If this is your first time, you will need to follow the link and instructions to launch & initiate the program. From there, you can set up Teams as a shortcut on your desktop or designate to launch at startup.

  • Desktop: easiest and recommended format
  • Web Browser: Chrome or Edge browser is recommended. Launch MS Teams through the Microsoft website
  • Mobile: Teams is available for iOS or Android); download through Google Play, App Store, etc.
Image of a computer screen showing what the log-in for Microsoft Teams will look like for the Social Justice & Inclusion Committee.

Once Teams is launched, you can select the CSJI team and your page will look like this.

CSJI TEAM General: at the top header bar, you’ll see several tabs:

  • Posts: forum to communicate, share information with entire group.
  • Files: repository of Council shared documents and reports.
  • Staff Notebook: n/a
    +: new tabs can be added as needed.

Each Taskforce will also have their own folder and associated files. Meeting notes, timelines, slides, etc. can be organized and stored in one central location.

Information Technology's Microsoft Teams page has instructions on how to use it's features.