The Richard A. Miner School of Computer & Information Sciences offers programs leading to bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees that are a blend of both applied and theoretical aspects of computation, including a bioinformatics option and a data science option.  

Degree Programs

Our graduates are highly sought after by regional, national and international companies and research organizations, including 3COM, Analog Devices, AstraZeneca, Avid, BAE, Cisco, Dell EMC, Fidelity, Google, IBM, InforSense, iRobot, Merck, MITRE, Microsoft, Motorola, NASA, Nortel, Oracle, Raytheon, and Toyota Research Institute, as well as academia.

Hear from Our Faculty & Students

  • Adam Norton
    Graphic Design

    Adam Norton’s experience at the UMass Lowell robotics lab and Revolving Museum allowed him to work with iRobot on educational school visits to get the next generation hooked on robotics.

  • Ariana Brown
    Computer Science

    SoarCS, a summer program for incoming computer science majors, helped shape Ariana Brown’s college experience.

  • Surbhi Kanthed
    Computer Science

    Surbhi Kanthed’s team won a huge hackathon for women students – and now she is working at Red Hat.

  • Abdullah Abou Mahmoud
    Computer Science

    An internship with Microsoft turned into a full-time job offer for computer science major Abdullah Abou Mahmoud.

  • Jaelyn  Dones
    Computer Science

    Jaelyn Dones is slated to earn her bachelor’s degree after 2 1/2 years, and she’s already working a dream job related to her computer science major.