It is a legal requirement of our state and federal radioactive material licenses that certain records be maintained and made available to the licensing agency. In accordance with this requirement and as part of good radiation safety program, the Radiation Safety Committee requires that the following information be recorded:
- The Authorized User shall:
- keep an inventory of radiation sources and waste disposals (recommended form: AU-1),
- keep a record of contamination and radiation surveys made (recommended form AU-2).
- The Radiation Safety Office shall maintain:
- up-to-date inventories of all radiation sources,
- radiation surveys and monitoring records of a general and special nature,
- records of all incidents (spills, releases, contamination problems) involving radiation sources,
- leak test data on all radiation sources,
- personnel monitoring records,
- instrument calibration records,
- waste disposal records,
- licensing data,
- emergency equipment lists,
- minutes of Radiation Safety Committee and subcommittee meetings,
- applications for authorization to use radiation sources,
- copies of authorizations and a list of all Authorized Users.
- Decommissioning files in accordance with state and NRC regulations.