Faculty and staff can learn more about academic and administrative tools available at the university.

Job and IT Trainings

If you are looking to schedule formal training with a member of our staff for yourself and / or your team or department, please use the following links below to create an appointment via bookings. We ask that you please use your UMass Lowell (UML) credentials when registering for any workshop or training. For student support, please email: help@uml.edu or email: bbhelp@uml.edu.

Academic Technology Consultations, Workshops and Demos

Academic and Classroom Tech Faculty Open Forum

Come and ask IT any questions you may have about Blackboard or Classroom Technology. Topics include course setup, lecture capture, gradebooks, Zoom, online assessments, classroom podiums, and many more.

DateTimeZoom Link
August 2810 a.m. - NoonAugust 28 Zoom Link
August 2910 a.m. - NoonAugust 29 Zoom Link
September 510 a.m. - NoonSeptember 5 Zoom Link
September 610 a.m. - NoonSeptember 6 Zoom Link

Academic Technology One-on-One Zoom Consultations for Faculty

Faculty members, please use the calendar below to schedule one-on-one LMS, Academic Technology, or Course Design consultations with an on-campus Academic Technology team member.

To schedule with GPS, please email: onlinelearning@uml.edu.

Instructional Technology Services Workshops, Training, and Demos

Nothing is currently scheduled. Please check back later!

Faculty Technology Sandbox

Schedule time in the Sandbox now!

This calendar's purpose is to schedule in-person time in our Technology Sandbox located in the Faculty Success Center in University Crossing, Room 140.
This room is equipped with a podium, lightboard, interactive screens, and more!

If you need assistance while using the Sandbox, please email: classroomtech@uml.edu to schedule time with an Instructional Technology Services team member.