Title VI for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency

UMass Lowell is very proud that our community includes students and employees from various cultures, languages, colors, religions, national origins, abilities, genders, sexual orientations, gender expressions, and life and military-service histories. Respecting and valuing our differences is the foundation of our excellence as an institution of higher education. We strive to excel in honoring our commitment to diversity and inclusion. 

In accordance with the prohibition against discrimination based on national origin under the University of Massachusetts Nondiscrimination and Harassment Policy, the UMass Lowell Nondiscrimination Guidelines (pdf) and the state and federal laws and regulations, including Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964, UMass Lowell is committed to the accessibility of our programs and activities to those with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). UMass Lowell is continuously discovering ways to reduce language barriers that can exclude meaningful access by LEP persons to important benefits, programs, information, and services.

Language Access Plan for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency (pdf) 

If you need assistance with language services, please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity & Outreach by email equal_opportunity@uml.edu or phone 978-934-3565. International students are also encouraged to contact the International Students & Scholars Office for assistance.  

Free Online Translation Tools

LEP Resources