2025 News and Events

Spring 2025

On Thursday, March 20, Professor Gregory Callaghan (Union College) will come to UMass Lowell to give this year's Zamanakos Lecture. Prof. Callaghan's talk, "Seeking Sponsors in Hellenistic Greece: Why and How Greek Communities Embraced Attalid Patronage," will explore how the Attalid dynasty of the new and rising Kingdom of Pergamon used the metric of "status" to achieve an authority within the Greek world that far exceeded its military and territorial power. The lecture will take place in Coburn 255 from 6-7 p.m., with a reception to follow from 7-8 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. For any questions, please contact Prof. Jane Sancinito via email at Jane_Sancinito@uml.edu.  

In anticipation of the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in 2026, Associate Professor Abby Chandler has been editing an essay collection for H-Net called "Remembering the American Revolution at 250." On January 23, two more essays were published: G. Patrick O'Brien's "'Men Who Deserve Nothing Better from a Wronged and Insulted Country than Exile': The Loyalists and Popular American Misunderstanding," as well as "A Living Classroom: Ongoing Revolutions at Boston's Old North Church and Historic Site," by Jaimie Crumley, Catherine Matthews, and Emily Spence. "Remembering the American Revolution at 250" is bringing together historians, public historians, and other practitioners from around the world to consider this moment in American history in an ongoing collection of research essays, reflective essays, and lesson plans that will be published over a multi-year period.