Create your own path. Be the driver of your future career. Combine your passion for creativity or desire to create change with your work in the classroom. Inspire others with your creative work or solutions to real world problems.

What are entrepreneurial and creative endeavors?

Students learn to set their own course by having experiences in early stage start-ups, advancing ideas to solve real world problems, or create artistic, written or performance-based projects. 

DifferenceMakers By the Numbers

  • $5M
    raised by teams
  • 40
    companies formed by teams
  • 11
    Number of teams patents filed or issued

Meet the DifferenceMakers

UMass alum and student mentor Richard Juknavorian poses with a student.
Richard Juknavorian '98
Health Information Management

Richard Juknavorian ’98 volunteers online and in person to support students. He raises money for scholarships, mentors students and serves as a judge at symposiums and events.

Every time I interact with students, it’s such a phenomenal experience.
Read More About Richard Juknavorian 
UMass Lowell Image
BioBubbler '14

The BioBubbler is made from indigenous material and does not require chemicals or electricity to use. It is a slow sand filtration system that eliminates bacteria in water by absorption, predation, natural death and oxygen depletion.

DifferenceMaker is an extremely valuable resource that helped our idea become more of a reality.
Read More About BioBubbler 
Thanh Hoang and Trung Nguyen onstage with Steve Tello, Holly Butler and their “ Innovative Technology Solution” award at the 2018 DifferenceMaker Idea Challenge, a $4,500 prize they are using towards DEXTER, the pesticide-spraying robot

DEXTER is aiming to help reduce the costs financially and environmentally to fruit farms by improving the efficiency of spraying pesticides on farms, and to helping to reduce the financial strain that comes with dumping the pesticides over their crops.

Pesticides are the best and worst invention, best for being able to increase a crop’s yield and provide more produce, and worst because of the environmental and health-related issues of them being used excessively.
Read More About DEXTER 
Cleidir Mendes poses in his graduation cap and gown
Cleidir Mendes '22

A series of mentors helped Cleidir Mendes thrive at UML — and land a job at Fidelity Investments.

I’m very thankful that I had so many people who supported and guided me.
Read More About Cleidir Mendes 
UMass Lowell Image
Treehouse '14

A website and phone application that connects people with plans, events and small businesses nearby.

Treehouse will revolutionize how people and businesses connect and make plans.
Read More About Treehouse