QBell , DifferenceMakers

QBell intends to decrease nurse fatigue all the while increasing patient safety and patient satisfaction.
This team won the Contribution to a Healthier Lifestyle Category, a $4,500 prize, at the 2017 5th Annual DifferenceMaker $50K Idea Challenge.. The team also participated in UMass Lowell’s Digital Health Hawkathon in 2017 and won 2nd Place in the Best Software Hack category. This team consists of Jeremy Arzuaga (Graduate, Computer Science), Vivien Chow (Graduate, Computer Science) Theresa Fullerton (Senior, Nursing) Gao Gao (Graduate, Computer Science) Andriana Kanellos (Senior, Nursing), Renee Vigneault (Senior, Nursing) and Stephany Wilson (Senior, Nursing).
QBell is a mobile application that improves upon the current nursing call bell system. The patient can use the QBell application to request pain medication, food, assistance, and various other needs through a tablet device. This device is also connected to the patient monitors, which can be viewed by the nurse or medical staff using a mobile device. Based on the patient monitor readings, assistance or intervention can be implemented immediately, while the medical staff will have a mobile device that displays a prioritized list of requests. QBell intends to decrease nurse fatigue all the while increasing patient safety and patient satisfaction.