UMass Lowell-Sponsored Opportunities

UMass Lowell (UML) embraces and celebrates diversity in all its forms and encourages individuals from underrepresented populations to apply for these funds:

Internal-Seed-GrantsInternal Seed Grants

The goal of this fund is to support faculty in:

  1. developing multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaborative efforts leading to sustainable research and scholarship;
  2. generating preliminary results and supporting innovative ideas leading to external funding and long-term success;
  3. in generating high-quality scholarship and creative works leading to external recognition and long-term success.

Eligibility: All UMass Lowell tenured and tenure-track faculty. An individual may serve as primary applicant on one proposal and co-applicant on one additional proposal. Priority for funding is given to new collaborations, projects that include multiple UMass Lowell faculty, projects that include more than one discipline, and projects that are likely to lead to external funding and/or recognition.

UMass Lowell embraces and celebrates diversity in all its forms and encourages individuals from underrepresented populations to apply for this fund.

Anticipated Funding Amount: Up to $15,000 per project (awards may be offered for partial funding to maximize the number of projects supported) for up to two years.

Deadline: The FY24 application deadline has passed. The call for applications for FY25 will be announced in early Spring 2025.

RSI-FundUML Researchers and Scholars Investment (RSI) Fund

The Office of Research and Innovation is committed to supporting faculty in their research, scholarship and creative inquiries. The RSI Fund is meant to support faculty in their professional trajectory, providing opportunities to test new ideas, implement initiatives and strengthen their skills and craft. These funds are meant to provide immediate assistance for short-term projects and goals that will provide great benefit to the scholar, their team and the university. Examples of appropriate use of funds include:

  • Collecting preliminary data
  • Subscription to a digital tool or resource
  • Hiring an editor for a new book
  • Purchasing supplies for an art installation
  • Support for student travel to a conference


  • Tenured, tenure-track, and emeritus faculty are eligible to apply.
  • Applicants must demonstrate that they have no other available source of funding including startup funds, research investment funds (RIF), etc. If you have funds earmarked for other activities, you may still apply for the RSI Fund. However, you must clearly show how each pool of funds will be used in the budget section of the application.
  • Applicants are asked to demonstrate the direct benefit to the individual researcher/scholar and the university. Students can be supported, but the research project must advance the work of the applicant. Priority for funding is given to projects that directly support the UML 2028 Strategic Plan and include opportunities for engagement, participation and collaboration with students, colleagues, departments and/or external partners.

Anticipated Funding Amount: Up to $3,000 per project and up to 30 projects per fiscal year. Funds are awarded for a one-year period. Applications are accepted twice per fiscal year, once in the Fall semester and once in the Spring semester.

Deadline: The deadline for the Spring 2024 cycle has passed. The call for applications for the Fall 2024 cycle will be announced in September 2024.

Submission Process: Please submit proposals through the UML InfoReady portal. Please download and review the UML RSI Fund Guidelines under "Supporting Documents" on the InfoReady page.