Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 888 Professional

This labor unit includes professional and administrative employees. General questions can be directed by email to:

Union Officers
Current Term September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2027

Area Representatives

  • North Campus Area Representative: Vacant
  • South Campus Area Representative: Vacant
  • East Campus Area Representative: Vacant

Contract Information (CBA)

Professional Position Pay Grades (P-Grades)

Dental/Vision Coverage

Remote / Hybrid Work Resources

SEIU 888 Membership Application Form

New SEIU 888 members or current members with a recent name change should fill out the SEIU 888 Membership Application Form (pdf). Completed forms should be emailed to:

Sick Leave Bank

Any SEIU 888 member who is interested in donating sick time to the sick bank can do so by filling out the Sick Leave Bank Form (pdf) and emailing it to Member Secretary,

Some employees accumulate far more time than they will actually need, and it can tremendously help other members with extreme circumstances if you donate. By donating at least one day one time, you will be eligible to draw from the sick bank yourself if you run out of paid time off (PTO) and have a catastrophic illness or injury. Thank you for considering donating to the sick leave bank and helping other members!

Note: You are not required to donate annually to be eligible to use the sick leave bank, but you must donate at least 1 day once. Members are encouraged to donate more than one day or donate more than one time if they are so inclined!

Sick Leave Buy Back (For eligible retirees)

Members who are eligible to retire from UMass Lowell (UML) can cash into up to 50% of their unused sick time from the previous calendar year to be paid out at the end of the fiscal year. In order to be eligible to retire per Massachusetts General Laws, employees must be at least 55 years or older and have at least 10 years of creditable service with the state OR at any age with at least 20 years of service with the state.*

*For State Employees' Retirement System (SERS) participants hired on or after April 2, 2012, retirement eligibility has changed to require employees to be at least 60 years or older with at least 10 years of creditable service. ORP participants continue to be eligible for retirement benefits if they have been eligible for benefits through the Group Insurance Commission for the equivalent 10 years full-time/benefited.

As an example, if you have 10 unused sick days after December 31, you could cash those 10 days in at 50% and receive 5 paid sick days for that previous calendar year. If you qualify, you would fill out the Sick Buy Back Request Form (pdf) and email it to: and email: and email: in HR to be reviewed. These forms must be sent between January 1 - March 1 of each year to cash in any unused sick time from the previous calendar year. Approved requests would be paid out by the end of the fiscal year which is June 30.