What should I major in?
Our students build games. Check out a sampling of their work.
The video game industry employs many kinds of specialists, from artists to composers to computer programmers. The most attractive workers will have a strong technical foundation, creative skills and the ability to work as part of a team.
- If you want to build worlds, create simulations or develop augmented or virtual reality experiences, you can combine a computer science major with an interdisciplinary minor in digital media.
- Our Department of Art & Design houses majors in graphic design and art, with concentrations available in studio art or animation and interactive media. Art & Design teaches a course specifically in game design using the industry standard Unity game engine.
- If killer in-game sound is your thing, consider our composition for new media major in the Department of Music or our program in sound recording technology, which has produced multiple Grammy winners.
- You could even go into console and hardware development by majoring in computer engineering or by double majoring in electrical engineering and computer science.