Our policies and guidelines cover events occurring in all university spaces such as classrooms, auditoriums, meeting rooms, lobbies, hallways, athletic fields (non-Athletic events), green spaces and parking garages and lots.
View the policy and practice definitions.
Best Practices
Best Practices
- Categorizing Your Event
- Event Request Checklist
- 2023 - 2024 Campus Event Operations Plan
- Event Standards Guidelines
- School Cancellations and Scheduled Activities
- Allowable Events
- Fees/Event Charge Classifications
- Event Sponsors/Requestors
- Catering
- Single Point of Contact Reservation Procedure
- Submitting a Request
- Cancellation by Sponsor
- Force of Nature/Cancellation by University
- Recurring Events
- Insurance
- Facility Damage
- University Logo
- Reservation Disclaimer
- Overnight Guests
Allowable-Events Allowable Events
In general, campus events (except at the Inn and Conference Center (ICC)), should align with our University mission. Events sponsored by external groups will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Personal or private events are allowed with approval from the Chancellor’s Office. UMass Lowell (UML) facilities may not be used in violation of federal or state laws.
Fees Fees and Event Service Charges
Event sponsors will be required to pay for event services and rates are subject to change. Please contact us at 978-934-3888 for current pricing.
The following event services and may be subject to charge:
- Room set ups and break downs
- Resource transport around campus
- Carpentry, electrical or heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) work
- Housekeeping required after event
- AV equipment, set up, and operation
- Shuttle service or guest parking (if not available on campus)
- Police details required for event
- Use of disposable equipment or supplies from Facilities or Hospitality and Event Services (HES)
- Event furniture owned by the University
- Administrative support
Event-Sponsors Event Sponsors / Requestors
Requests for reservations may be submitted by student clubs and organizations, academic and administrative departments, and external entities. Individuals may make reservations only as a representative of one of these groups.
All student clubs and organizations must process their requests through Student Activities. Sponsors must designate an individual who will serve as the primary event contact for HES. If the University is a sponsor or co-sponsor, a University contact should be named. This contact will be the sponsor’s single point of contact with the University for planning, and a sponsor representative must be in attendance at the event.
Catering Catering
By contract, the campus food service provider has the right of first refusal to cater all campus events. Exceptions will only be allowed by the HES in consultation with our campus food service provider, Aramark. If an exception is allowed, the event sponsor will be responsible for providing all supplies necessary for the provision of food, including linens, and will be responsible for the cost of post event clean-up.
Single-Point Single-Point-of-Contact Reservation Procedures
All non-academic, event scheduling of University facilities is to be managed by the HES in collaboration with the Office of Student Activities, Athletics, Media Services and the Facilities departments. HES will process all reservations for designated event spaces as noted above. Classrooms are to be scheduled in coordination with the University Registrar’s office.
All Space/Event requests will be submitted to HES. Event Sponsors will submit a Reservation Request by email to: events@uml.edu or by calling: 978-934-3888. HES will confirm availability of the space and forward each request to the appropriate campus partner (i.e., Facilities, Police, Media, IT). As appropriate, those departments will return an estimate of cost or hours required for items such as transportation of equipment, set up/tear down, clean up, police services, etc. HES will contact the sponsoring entity for approval of appropriate charges as found in the pricing guide within this document. Once approved, HES will provide a written quote of cost and services, and process payments.
HES will initiate a Memorandum of Agreement with all external event sponsors once an oral agreement has been reached.
For the purposes of this policy, a special event is a planned, non-class gathering of 10 or more people, and/or one that is held in a designated event area.
Submitting Submitting a Request
A reservation request form in 25Live should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the date of an event, and four to six weeks prior for events serving alcohol. Requests coming in later have a higher risk not being approved, so it is advised to submit with as much advanced notice as possible.
Major programs, such as concerts or conferences, must submit a reservation request form at least one-month in advance of the event date. Submitting this form is not a guarantee that a particular space is available. All necessary signatures and approvals are expected upon submission.
University facilities are generally available for use between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and Midnight during the week and until 1 a.m. on weekend nights. The University reserves the right to restrict or deny room reservation requests on special days such as holidays. Requestors will receive a determination regarding their request within five business days.
Sponsor Cancellations by Sponsor
If it is necessary to cancel an event that has had space reserved, the sponsor should contact us immediately at 978-934-3888 or email: events@uml.edu, so that another group can use that space. If a cancellation occurs less than 48 hours prior to the event, the event sponsor may still be responsible for charges.
nature Force of Nature / Cancellation by University
Please refer to Appendix A for the University’s cancellation policy in the event the University or desired facility is closed at the time of an event due to forces of nature.
Recurring Recurring Events
Recurring events, those occurring more than once a month over multiple months, will be scheduled no more than six weeks in advance to keep event spaces available to the broadest range of University use.
Insurance Insurance
Affiliated and External entities sponsoring events must provide proof of insurance as outlined in the Memorandum of Agreement as approved by the University’s administration and finance office.
Damage Facility Damage
Any damage to UMass Lowell facilities must immediately be reported to HES, Facilities or University Police. Cost to repair all damages other than normal wear and tear will be the responsibility of the event sponsors. If the facility is not returned in the same condition as received, cost of clean-up will be the sole responsibility of the event sponsor. Billing for these costs will be processed through HES.
Nothing will be affixed to any facility (i.e., inside and outside walls, stage curtains, etc.) without approval by HES. It is highly recommended that a pre and post event walkthrough is conducted with the HES to determine space conditions.
Logo University Logo
No university logo appearing on a sign, podium, or other University structure shall be covered, or removed without approval from HES.
No University logo shall appear in event publicity for an externally sponsored event without permission from the UML University Relations. Logo use shall be governed by the university style guide.
Disclaimer Reservation Disclaimer
These facilities are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations shall be made through HES. The department of HES reserves the right to assign or move events to the best available space if the requested space is unavailable. Reservations may be cancelled or moved per order of the Chancellor’s Office.
Overnight-GuestsOvernight Guests
Hospitality and Event Services manages relationships with area hotels to ensure that university partners can provide overnight accommodations for guests to campus. UMass Lowell employees can email events@uml.edu to request access to Hospitality and Event Services' affiliated rate on a case-by-case basis.
RegulationsAdditional Reminders for Events with Minors on Campus
- (MGL Chapter 6: 172H) Rightly named as “Background Checks for Children’s Programs” which simply requires background checks for people prior to them working with minors. ( these are standard CORI checks)
- (105 CMR 430) Which falls under the Dept. of Public Health’s Sanitary Code, for the health and safety of minors in camps. It is 36 pages of minimum standards for camps with children.
- Note that the Sanitary Code requires SORI and CORI checks every 3 years which is more clearly defined and more strict than the Massachusetts background check regulation, which just states that a background check is required prior to working with children.
Definition of a CAMP.
- The DPH defines what a “Camp” is. You can reference the CMR for more details. But simply put it’s a program with 5 or more children for > 3 days. Also to be noted is that programs which are promoted or advertised as a camp, are considered camps by the State.
- For campus purposes there are two types of camps:
- Non-Institutional (External) Camps
- These are owned and operated by a 3rd party – they could be employee owned (maybe operating under an LLC) or another outside organization.
- Compliance wise they fall under both the DPH and the MA background check regulation
- The DPH regulation requires that they go thru the local BOH to get a certificate to operate.
- MGL 6 s 172H requires background checks
- Based on University/Campus regs they need
- Signed contract
- Insurance
- Institutional (Internal) Camps
- These are run by campus employees under their capacity as an employee, typically they promote or fundraise for a campus program or department.
- Compliance wise: These are exempt from the DPH regulation, but background checks are mandatory under the MA background check regulation. MGL 6 s 172H.
- There is a Federal Regulation called the Safe Sport Act that applies to any internal sports camps or clinics that involve minors. The Safe Sport Act and the NCAA, especially DI (which regulates internal and external camps) are regulations the campus will be in compliance with.
- Non-Institutional (External) Camps