
  1. In order to participate in intramural activities, players must be current UMass Lowell students enrolled in one or more credit hours or full time faculty/staff members.
  2. All students must present a valid UMass Lowell ID prior to participation in any intramural contest.


  1. Teams are required to wear similar colored jerseys/shirts. Pinnies may be checked out from the intramural supervisor.
  2. All pucks will be provided at the game site.
  3. The minimum required equipment consists of NCAA approved ice hockey shin pads, elbow pads, hockey gloves, helmet (with full face guard) and skates. Players may not participate with figure skates!
    • All players must wear the minimum required equipment while pucks are on the ice.
    • Additional safety equipment (mouth piece, shoulder pads, pants) is recommended.
    • Players not having the minimum required equipment will not be permitted to participate. No Exceptions!
    • All equipment is subject to approval by the intramural supervisor on duty. His/her decision regarding the suitability of any player’s equipment (including sticks) is final.
    • No player will be allowed to participate with any equipment deemed unsafe by the intramural supervisor on duty.

Number of Players

  1. The minimum number of players on a roster is 6. There is no limit to the number of players that a team can have on their roster.
  2. A contest may be started/played with a minimum of 5 players.


  1. The minimum number of players must be present and ready to play within ten minutes of the scheduled starting time of a contest.
  2. A team may play with as few as 5 players.
  3. In order to claim a forfeit, a team must have the minimum number of players present and ready to play.
  4. If neither team is able to field the correct number of players, a double forfeit will be declared.
  5. If a team during the course of a contest drops below the minimum number of players due to any reason other than injury, a forfeit will be declared and the contest will be discontinued.
  6. Any team forfeiting a contest, regardless of the circumstances, will not be eligible to participate in playoffs.
  7. If a contest is discontinued due to unsportsmanlike conduct, the offending team(s) will receive a forfeit and be dropped from further league competition.

Game Schedules

Contests will be played at the date and time they are originally scheduled.

Rescheduling is available only under the most extenuating circumstances. Rescheduling may not be possible due to scheduling limitations at the Tsongas Arena.


All Games will be governed by current NHF rules, except where special intramural rules apply.

Length of Game

  1. Games will consist of two, 20 minute halves (running clock).
  2. Exception: during the last minute of a game when there is a two goal or less difference, the clock will stop on all whistles.
  3. Each team will be allowed 1, one minute time out per contest.
  4. There will be an intermission of 5 minutes between halves. Intermission may be shortened in order to stay on schedule.
  5. Tie games will remain tied, except during the playoffs.

General Rules and Policies

  1. There is absolutely no checking! Any contact deemed non-incidental by an official is a penalty (minor or major at the official’s discretion).
  2. Minor penalties (i.e., tripping, holding, hooking, etc.) will result in a 2 minute penalty, running time.
  3. Major penalties will result in a 5 minute penalty, running time.
  4. Any form of fighting including “dropping the gloves” with the intent to fight or actually striking with fists or sticks, will result in the immediate expulsion from the contest.
  5. Acts of unsportsmanlike conduct include but not limited to:
    • arguing with officials
    • abusive language
    • physical contact with a Campus Rec Employee may result in the player(s) involved being ejected from the contest.
  6. Any player ejected from a contest is automatically suspended from his/her team’s next game. They must meet with the Intramural Coordinator and they will review the matter and deem if further disciplinary action is warranted. The player may not play again until they meet with the coordinator.


All teams advance to the playoffs as long as:

  • Their team was represented at the captain’s meeting.
  • They have a 3.5 or higher sportsmanship rating.
  • They have not been removed from competition due to unsportsmanlike conduct/discipline problems.
  1. In the case of a tie, a 5 minute, sudden death overtime period will be played.
  2. If the game remains a tie at the end of overtime period, a shoot out will be conducted.
  3. A shoot out will consist of 3 players from each team taking penalty shots on an alternation basis at the opposing goal.
    • If after the initial shoot out the game remains tied, the penalty shots will continue on a 1 for 1, sudden death basis.
      • Players will be selected one at a time from each team
      • All players must participate in the shootout before a player is allowed to repeat.
      • If repetition is necessary, the original order of shooters must be followed.


  1. The team captain must enter all players’ names on the score sheet prior to the start of each contest. Players arriving late must be added prior to entering the contest. All players must present a valid UMass Lowell ID.
  2. All fans must remain in the stands. Only team members dressed to play the game and one manager/coach are allowed in the team bench areas. Managers/coaches that are not dressed to play must meet the same eligibility requirements as individuals that participate in intramurals.
  3. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE ALLOWED AT THE TSONGAS ARENA! Violators will be asked to leave the premises. Repeated noncompliance by players or fans will result in forfeiture of a contest and possible further disciplinary action. Any player suspected of consuming alcohol before a contest will not be allowed to participate in the contest.
  4. Teams are responsible for leaving their locker rooms clean. If a locker room is left dirty, the team(s) using it will forfeit the night’s contest.
  5. The Office of Campus Recreation does not provide insurance coverage and assumes no responsibility for injuries occurring during intramural competition.