Anne Vaudo


This video was created for the final project of my "Portuguese III & Culture" class which was taught by Diana Gomes Simoes. The assignment was to present a creative project based on one of the areas of study from the semester. I was inspired by our unit on jobs to create a children's book. My mother often made children's books that included our family members as characters. Thinking about how she would design these books for me and my brothers growing up, I decided to make this one for my nephew.

This audiovisual reading of my book combines vocabulary from class with descriptions of the jobs that my different family members have had. The photos and reflections make it personal but also appropriate for any child to enjoy as they think about their own family members’ different jobs and practice using Portuguese.

Os trabalhos de minha família

Biographical Statement - Anne Vaudo

Anne Marie Vaudo is a sociology major in her junior year at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.