In the course of any major research endeavor, the initiation of numerous smaller milestone tasks and sub-assemblies are integral to moving forward. The Submillimeter-Wave Technology Laboratory (STL) at the University of Massachusetts Lowell is deeply committed to all aspects of the academic learning process. By functioning as both a World-Class radar research facility and as an academic research institution, graduating students leave STL with real-world laboratory experience, affirming all aspects of their major course of study.
Under the direct supervision of a mentor, graduate and undergraduate students are given a diverse array of project types based on immediate needs of the Laboratory, the student's individual interest, and the applicability to their major course of study.
Partial Listing of Current Academic Research Projects
- Terahertz Gas Absorption Spectroscopy
- Prototype Opto-Mechanic Design and Fabrication
- Terahertz Materials Characterization
- Upgrades to STL's High Power, Ultra-Stable Carbon Dioxide Laser Systems
- Laboratory Conditions Monitor Sensor Modules
- Radar Signal Processing Algorithm Development and Implementation
- Bistatic Compact Range Hardware and Software Development
- Quasi-optial Systems Design and Construction
- Microwave-to-THz Modeling of Systems and Sub-systems
- Instrumentation and Motion Control Using National Instruments LabVIEW
- FPGA and Micro-controller Programming and Applications
- Millimeter-wave Imaging Systems, Sub-systems, and Novel Applications
- Advanced Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing Techniques for Radar Scale-modeling
- The Application of Advanced Compact Range System Instrumentation and Techniques