Activating Bystanders to Address Workplace Microaggressions: Implementing a peer-to-peer Get A Collective GRIP® program at your institution

Words shared by participants following CWW's Activating Bystanders workshops.
The Center for Women & Work is available to provide further guidance and support for ongoing work to address microaggressions within organizations. After completion of the foundational Mobilizing for Change workshop, CWW is available to support organizations in implementing a peer-to-peer approach to bystander activation within their own workplace. We provide access to copyrighted workshop materials and train a cadre of in-house Equity Champions capable of serving as workshop leaders and role models. We also provide ongoing consultation to support implementation. Specifically, this component includes a two-year access to:
- License for the use of copyrighted Get A Collective GRIP® training materials (including slides, handouts, and vignettes) and an Equity Champion Bystander Training Manual
- Training for a cadre of up to 12 Equity Champions who can deliver peer-led bystander workshops within your organization
- Quarterly consultations to facilitate implementation
Access to Equity Champion Training Material
- Two-year license that allows the use of copyrighted Get A Collective GRIP® training materials
*The license is a prerequisite for the Equity Champion workshop and follow-up consultations.
Equity Champion Workshop
Upon securing a license to the Get A Collective GRIP® training materials, CWW will offer Equity Champion Workshops to prepare in-house people to deliver the bystander workshops to their colleagues. Equity Champions are a cornerstone of the Get A Collective GRIP® approach; they are well respected individuals within the organization with both personal bystander skills and skills to encourage their co-workers to become active bystanders when observing disrespectful workplace behavior. With this workshop, Equity Champions will become prepared to lead bystander workshops and support their peers as they develop bystander skills. Equity Champions will also be prepared to serve as role models, proactively helping to create a respectful climate, and integrating such efforts into the fabric of organizational life.
The 2-day Equity Champion Workshops cover the following:
- Workshop Day 1 – In depth coverage of the Get a Collective GRIP® approach and refinement of the approach for your organization
- Workshop Day 2 – Facilitation skills development and certification of up to 12 trainers/Equity Champions
Consultations to Support Peer-to-Peer Bystander Program Implementation
- Follow-up consultation 3-4 weeks following certification to help in shaping the organization’s strategy to implementing the Get A Collective GRIP® approach.
- Quarterly consultations thereafter – 3 hours per quarter for 2 years.
Organizational Benefits
Your organization will see the following benefits:
- Support in developing a strategic plan for implementing bystander intervention in the workplace
- Promotion of workplace sensitivity and prevention of discrimination and harassment
- Development of inclusive thinking and actions which foster diversity in the workplace and builds a more inclusive environment so that all people, especially those from underrepresented groups, feel comfortable and valued
- Promotion of diverse perspectives that drive collaboration and innovation in the workplace as well as problem solving, reducing bias, and increased accountability
The price of the Equity Champion Development workshop and consultation is negotiable based on the needs of the organization, the size of the organization, and related factors.
For more information, contact Mary Spooner, Ph.D. by email at: