The Evolution and Devolution of Academic Freedom Around the World
Faculty: Jenifer Whitten-Woodring, Dean of the Honors College, Associate Professor of Political Science and A.J. Angulo, Professor of Education
Student: Wonder Ahiatsi, Economics
Gender Balance in Five Decades of Public Policy Scholarship at the Policy Studies Journal – Progress or Stagnation?
Faculty: Aaron Smith-Walter, Assistant Professor of Political Science
Student: Ryan Forrester, Political Science
Learning self-care when young: How music may enhance educational video-storytelling to support accidental injury prevention in children
Faculty: Elissa Johnson-Green, Associate Professor of Music and Music Education
Student: Marcus Brown, Music Studies
Impact of STEM Podcasting and Role Models on High School Student Career Aspirations
Faculty: Yanfen Li, Assistant Teaching Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Student: Emily Reed, Psychology 
Revitalizing the City: Mid-Century Modern Architecture Comes to Lowell
Faculty: Marie Frank, Associate Professor of Art and Design
Students: Michael Page, Graphic Design and Josephine Parsons, Graphic Design
Second-Gen Muslims: The Brown Muslim-American
Faculty: Maheen Haider, Assistant Professor of Sociology
Student: Sarah Khamis, Political Science 
Sex Offense Management and Supervision in the United States: Advancing Theory, Knowledge, Policy and Practice
Faculty: Andrew Harris, Professor of Criminology and Justice Studies
Student: Evelyn Lemos, Psychology 
A Further Psychometric Evaluation of the Faculty Encouragement Scale with Diverse Samples
Faculty: Hsien-Yuan Hsu, Assistant Professor of Education
Students: Giovanni Bautista, Psychology 
What’s in a Name? An Exploratory Study on Name Discrimination among Immigrants
Faculty: Joselyne Chenane Nkogo, Assistant Professor of Criminology and Justice Studies
Student: Caitlin Kennedy, Sociology 
Understanding the Differential Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health
Faculty: Yan Wang, Assistant Professor of Psychology 
Student: Yulin Holder, Psychology 
Refugee Reproductive Justice
Faculty: Cheryl Llewellyn, Associate Professor of Sociology
Student: Emily Henrick, Liberal Arts