The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has funded Centers of Excellence to explore and research the concepts of Total Worker Health (TWH). The Centers advance the overall safety, health, and well-being of diverse worker populations through research, planning, evaluation, outreach, and education. The Centers accomplish this by integrating occupational safety and health protection with health promotion interventions.

The ten Centers of Excellence are:

  1. Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace (CPH-NEW) at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and University of Connecticut
  2. Center for Health, Work, & Environment at the University of Colorado
    • Read about theSmall + Safe + Well (SSWell) study that aims to advance TWH by examining whether changes in organizational culture can impact employee health and safety outcomes
  3. Harvard Center for Work Health and Well-being
  4. Oregon Healthy Workforce Center (OHWC)
  5. Healthier Workforce Center of the Midwest
  6. University of Illinois-Chicago (UIC) Center for Healthy Work

  7. Carolina Center for Total Worker Health® and Well-being

  8. Johns Hopkins P.O.E. Total Worker Health® Center in Mental Health

  9. Utah Center for Promotion of Work Equity

  10. California Labor Laboratory