
Curriculog is a software tool designed to modernize and streamline academic requirement and policy activity. Curriculog was implemented at UMass Lowell in 2021 through a collaboration between Faculty Senate, the Registrar’s Office, Academic Affairs, and Information Technology (IT).
On our new Processes webpage, you will find the following information:
- Overview of Approval Processes which includes the "Life of the Proposal" and information for reviewers of proposals.
- Templates which may be required to submit with your proposal in Curriculog.
- The Faculty Senate Suggestion Box which is available for submitting ideas and topics brainstormed during and after our roundtable discussions.

How to Get on an Agenda
Proposals are added to Undergraduate Policy Committee (UPC) or Graduate Policy and Affairs Committee (GPAC) meeting agendas via Curriculog one week prior to the meeting date. Please see Curriculum Proposal Deadlines 2024-2025 (pdf) for the suggested date ranges to launch proposals in Curriculog. The date range is intended to allow the proposal sufficient time to progress through the approval workflow from the Originator of the proposal to the Department Chair / Program Coordinator, to the College Curriculum Committee, and to the College Dean for review prior to reaching the UPC or GPAC step.
Please view the Curriculog Approval Process (AP) List (pdf) to help you determine which AP to use to submit your proposal.
UPC and GPAC meeting agendas will include direct links to each proposal that has reached the UPC/GPAC step one week prior to the meeting date. Agendas are sent out one week prior to the meeting date to allow the committee members sufficient time to carefully review each proposal prior to the meeting. At the meeting, the committee will discuss and vote on each proposal. It is advisable that you or a member of your department attend the meeting to answer any questions the committee may have. Proposals that haven't reached the UPC/GPAC step one week prior to the meeting will be added to the agenda for the following month. Agendas can be viewed in Curriculog with a UML login.
Visit the Committees webpage for meeting dates, times, and locations for each Committee of the Faculty Senate. To get on the agenda for committees other than UPC or GPAC please follow the instructions on the specific Committee page.
As proposals in Curriculog progress through to the steps of the Undergraduate Policy Committee (UPC) or Graduate Policy and Affairs Committee (GPAC) they will, if approved and related to programs or policies, be added to the Executive Committee (EXEC) agenda and then added to the agenda for the Faculty Senate general meeting. After Faculty Senate approval, proposals will move on to the "UML System Update" steps.
Proposals related to courses, if approved, will move directly to the "UML System Update" steps.
If you are interested in presenting to the Faculty Senate at the general meeting, please email: faculty_senate@uml.edu.
Please contact the Faculty Senate office by emailing: faculty_senate@uml.edu if you have further questions or cannot find the information you need on our website.
To look at Curriculog together with Kerry Patenaude, schedule a Curriculog Session.
For questions about the Curriculog software please email: curriculog@uml.edu.