Academic Year 2024-2025

This committee shall deal with such areas as presiding over undergraduate academic policy, admissions, approving new majors and minors and ensuring the availability of courses with wide university impact. Degree programs offered by Graduate, and Professional Studies shall be within the purview of this committee.

Meeting Schedule:

All UPC meetings will take place on Mondays at 3:30 p.m. in Alumni Hall 102 unless noted otherwise.

2023-2024 Meeting Minutes:

Meeting Agenda:

Meeting agendas are available in Curriculog. Go to "Agendas" and click the "All Agendas" tab.

All course proposals and program proposals will be added to the agenda through Curriculog. Please see the Curriculum Proposal Deadlines (pdf) for suggested date ranges to launch proposals in Curriculog.

Other items to be placed on the agenda are to be e-mailed directly to: by noon Monday the week before the meeting. If the Monday deadline falls on a holiday, please submit by the Friday before that.

Committee Membership:

Manning School of Business

  • Wen Zhu, Operations & Information Systems

Francis College of Engineering

  • Michael Geiger, Electrical and Computer Engineering *
  • Jesus Reyes-Blanco, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Dina Bozicas, English
  • Walter Toomey, Criminology & Justice Studies

Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences

  • Mary Kate Keyes, Biomedical & Nutritional Sciences

Kennedy College of Sciences

  • Leslie Farris, Chemistry
  • Jennifer Gonzalez-Zugasti, Mathematics & Statistics

Student Government, Undergraduate

  • TBD, TBD

Core Curriculum Coordinator (ex officio)

  • Ryan McPherson, Electrical Engineering

Faculty Senate President (ex officio)

  • Kevin Petersen, English

Representatives of the Administration (non-voting)

  • Julie Nash (Provost’s Office)
  • Mai Nguyen (Registrar’s Office)
  • Yolanda Hood (Library)

*Denotes Committee Chair