Overview of Approval Processes

Faculty Senate reviews proposals regarding:

  • Courses
  • Policies
  • Programs
UMass Lowell logo with curriculog Curriculum Management logo to the right.

Life of a Proposal

Proposals are created in Curriculog and progress through the approval process within the department, college, college curriculum committee, and college dean before moving on to Faculty Senate. After approval from Faculty Senate, proposals are (if applicable) sent to the governing authorities, and then processed through "UMass Lowell (UML) System Update" steps to update SIS, the catalog, degree pathways, advisement reports, department & college catalog landing pages, admissions applications, and department & program marketing web pages.

Approval Workflow

  1. Originator
  2. Department Chair or Program Coordinator
  3. College Curriculum Committee
  4. College Dean or Designee
  5. Undergraduate Policy Committee (UPC) or Graduate Policy & Affairs Committee (GPAC)
  6. Faculty Senate
  7. Provost & Chancellor
  8. President's Office (UMPO)
  9. Department of Higher Education (DHE)
  10. UML System Updates


CIP Codes

Curriculum Outline "Form A"

Degree Pathway

DHE Name Change Plus Forms - "Change Name of Program & Elevate Subplan to Plan"


As a proposal progresses through Curriculog approval steps reviewers will "approve" or "reject" the proposal.

An approval indicates that the reviewer has reviewed the proposal for:

  • Content accuracy & clarity
  • Impact on other departments
  • Resource availability (if applicable)

If changes are needed, the reviewer will use the decisions tab to reject the proposal back to the Originator for editing.

If the proposal is ready to move forward, the reviewer will use the decisions tab to approve it.

Suggestion Box

Please submit ideas and topics discussed during and after Faculty Senate roundtable discussions in our anonymous Faculty Senate suggestion box.