2023 Existing Building Retrocommissioning
Building retro-commissioning is a systematic process for investigating, analyzing and
optimizing a building’s systems’ performance through operational and maintenance improvement measures. Energy Management is engaged in on-going projects to retrocommission 5 buildings on campus: Perry Hall, ETIC, Coburn Hall, PTB and CRC.

To date, studies conducted by retrocommissioning agents B2Q have identified 50 measures which may result in annual savings of:
- 7033 MMBTU energy
- $349,000 utility cost
- 644 metric tons CO2e
- Equivalent to 1 year of total energy used at Riverview Suites
2023 Photovoltaic Inverter Replacement

Facilities manages 446 kW of photovoltaics across five different systems. The systems are at or past the halfway point of their expected life cycle. Although the systems are successfully producing more than their expected generation, the inverters for these systems need to be replaced to ensure continued successful operation. In partnership with the Department of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance, UML Facilities intends to replace inverters at all five systems on campus.
2022 Mass Save Climate Leader Award
The University of Massachusetts Lowell and its Facilities Department was selected by the Sponsors of Mass Save as a 2022 Mass Save Climate Leader. As one of 19 inaugural recipients, UMass Lowell was recognized for a leading commitment to climate change through its “noteworthy efforts in increasing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Commonwealth.”
2021 UMass Lowell Alternative Energy Master Plan
See the Alternative Energy Master Plan (pdf).
2020 District Steam Aerial Survey
In collaboration with UML’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, Facilities conducted thermal aerial imaging surveys for both the North and South campus district steam systems. The purpose was to identify areas of excessive thermal losses along steam and condensate lines. Once complete, Facilities used the aerial images as a layer to the university’s CampusViewer GIS to align with existing energy infrastructure. The outcome was successful and helped identify an on-going condensate leak on the South Campus.