Nutritional Science


The Department of Biomedical and Nutritional Sciences offers science-based undergraduate programs that prepare individuals for a variety of career options. Students with a B.S. in Nutritional Science will enter the workforce prepared to practice in a variety of fields, such as dietetics, nutrition and wellness, food science industry, nutrition research, and/or continue on to graduate programs to become a Registered Dietitian, or to earn a master’s degree or Ph.D. in Nutritional Science or a related field.

Requirements of the Major

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply analytical and critical thinking to solve problems in laboratory and clinical settings.
  2. Demonstrate leadership skills of accountability, delegation, education, and supervision.
  3. Clearly communicate scientific information both orally and in writing.
  4. Interpret research results and apply to the general understanding of nutritional science and health.
  5. Earn admittance and be successful in graduate/professional programs.
  6. Secure a bachelor’s-prepared position in their preferred profession.
  7. Disseminate evidence-based information related to nutritional science and health.