Yuan Hsien Hsu Image

Hsien-Yuan Hsu, Ph.D.

Chair, Associate Professor

Fine Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
School of Education, ADVANCE Office for Faculty Equity
Coburn Hall - 240H

Research Interests

Multilevel Modeling; Psychometrics; Engineering Education


  • Ph.D: Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University - College Station, Texas
    Supporting Area: Research, Measurement, and Statistics

Selected Publications

  • Hsu, H.-Y., Lee, K., Bentley, J., \&, ., Acosta, S. (2019). Investigating the role of school-based extracurricular activity participation in adolescents’ learning outcomes: A propensity score method. Journal of Education and Learning.
  • Kim, M., Hsu, H. (2019). Multilevel Modeling With Stat-JR SAAs: A Software Review. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 44(1) 103--121.
  • Skidmore, S.T., Hsu, H., Fuller, M. (2018). A person-centred approach to understanding cultures of assessment. Assessment \& Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(8) 1241--1257.
  • Fowler, D. J., Edwards, R., \& Hsu,, ., H-Y., . (2018). An investigation of state superintendents in the United States: Ethical leadership perspectives, state leader demographics, and state education. Athens Journal of Education, 5(3) 209--246.
  • Hsu, H.-Y., Lin, J-H., Skidmore, S. T.,, ., \& Kim, M., . (2018). Evaluating Fit Indices in a Multilevel Latent Growth Curve Model: A Monte Carlo study. Behavior Research Methods.
  • Kim, M., Hsu, H., Kwok, O., Seo, S. (2018). The Optimal Starting Model to Search for the Accurate Growth Trajectory in Latent Growth Models. Frontiers in psychology, 9 349.
  • Lee, K., Gould, J., Hsu, H. (2017). Analysis of paddlesport commitment and multiple outcomes: A serious leisure perspective. Cogent Social Sciences.
  • Hsu, H., Lin, J., Skidmore, S. (2017). Analyzing Individual Growth with Clustered Longitudinal Data: A Comparison between Model-based and Design-based Multilevel Approaches. Behavior Research Methods.
  • Hsu, H., Hsu, T., Lee, K., Wolff, L. (2017). Evaluating the Construct Validity of Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well-Being Using Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 35(6) 633--638.
  • Cheng, Q., \& Hsu, H-Y., . (2017). Latent cluster analysis of instructional practices reported by high-and low-performing mathematics teachers in four countries. Journal on Mathematics Education, 8(2) 115--132.
  • Hsu, H., Lin, J., Kwok, O., Acosta, S., Willson, V. (2017). The impact of intraclass correlation on the effectiveness of level-specific fit indices in multilevel structural equation modeling: A Monte Carlo study. Educational and psychological measurement, 77(1) 5--31.
  • Lee, K., Bentley, J., Hsu, H. (2017). Using characteristics of serious leisure to classify rock climbers: A latent profile analysis. Journal of Sport \& Tourism.
  • Cheng, Q., \& Hsu, H-Y., . (2016). Low SES and high mathematics achievement: A two-level analysis of the paradox in six Asian education systems. Journal of Education and Human Development, 5(1) 77--85.
  • Hsu, H., Kwok, O., Lin, Jr Huang, ., Acosta, S. (2015). Detecting misspecified multilevel structural equation models with common fit indices: A Monte Carlo study. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 50(2) 197--215.
  • Hsu, H., Skidmore, S.T., Li, Y., Thompson, B. (2014). Forced zero cross-loading misspecifications in measurement component of structural equation models. Methodology.
  • Lau, H., Hsu, H., Acosta, S., Hsu, T. (2014). Impact of participation in extra-curricular activities during college on graduate employability: an empirical study of graduates of Taiwanese business schools. Educational Studies, 40(1) 26--47.
  • Acosta, S.T., Hsu, H. (2014). Negotiating diversity: an empirical investigation into family, school and student factors influencing New Zealand adolescents’ science literacy. Educational Studies, 40(1) 98--115.
  • Acosta, S., Hsu, H. (2014). Shared academic values: testing a model of the association between Hong Kong parents’ and adolescents’ perception of the general value of science and scientific literacy. Educational Studies, 40(2) 174--195.
  • Wang, S., Hsu, H., Lin, S.S., Hwang, G. (2014). The role of group interaction in collective efficacy and CSCL performance. Journal of Educational Technology \& Society, 17(4) 242--254.
  • Hsu, H-Y., Lai, Y-H., \& Chin, H-Y., . (2013). Development and validation of the Perceived Risk of Web Survey Questionnaire (PRWSQ) (in Chinese). Psychological Testing, 60(2) 351--368.
  • Bowman-Perrott, L., Benz, M.R., Hsu, H., Kwok, O., Eisterhold, L.A., Zhang, D. (2013). Patterns and predictors of disciplinary exclusion over time: An analysis of the SEELS national data set. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 21(2) 83--96.
  • Hsu, H-Y., Chen, Y-Y., . (2012). Assessing the factors contributing to attitudes toward science of secondary school students in Taiwan: Analyses of PISA 2006 (in Chinese). Journal of Educational Research, 226 81--99.
  • Li, Y., Hughes, J.N., Kwok, O., Hsu, H. (2012). Evidence of convergent and discriminant validity of child, teacher, and peer reports of teacher--student support. Psychological Assessment, 24(1) 54.
  • Zhang, D., Hsu, H., Katsiyannis, A., Barrett, D.E., Ju, S. (2011). Adolescents with disabilities in the juvenile justice system: Patterns of recidivism. Exceptional Children, 77(3) 283--298.
  • Hsu, H., Zhang, D., Kwok, O., Li, Y., Ju, S. (2011). Distinguishing the influences of father’s and mother’s involvement on adolescent academic achievement: Analyses of Taiwan Education Panel Survey data. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 31(5) 694--713.
  • Zhang, D., Hsu, H., Kwok, O., Benz, M., Bowman-Perrott, L. (2011). The impact of basic-level parent engagements on student achievement: Patterns associated with race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status (SES). Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 22(1) 28--39.
  • Acosta, S., \& Hsu, H-Y., . (2010). Priming the pump: A case study of pre-service bilingual education teachers' Spanish writing. The Journal of Texas Association for Bilingual Education, 21(1) 76--107.
  • Zhang, D., Landmark, L., Reber, A., Hsu, H., Kwok, O., Benz, M. (2010). University faculty knowledge, beliefs, and practices in providing reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 31(4) 276--286.
  • Hsu, H. (2009). Testing the effectiveness of various commonly used fit indices for detecting misspecifications in multilevel structural equation models. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Texas A\&M University, College Station, TX. Available online from http://oaktrust. library. tamu. edu/bitstream/handle/1969.1/ETD-TAMU-2009-12-7411/HSU-DISSERTATION. pdf.