Influenza Information
Think You Have The Flu?
- What to do if you think you have the flu
- Residential students who are ill and remain on campus
- When to call Emergency Medical Services
- More Information
Think-FluIf a student does contract the flu, we strongly recommend the following:
- Go home if possible
- Stay out of class until fever free (< 100◦F) for 24 hours without fever-reducing medicine.
- Consult with your health-care provider if you have any underlying chronic respiratory, cardiac or neurological conditions that might cause complications.
- Notify all professors via email about absence.
- If possible, try to keep up with academic work by reading assignments and accessing lecture capture if available via computer.
- Students will not need a note excusing their absence.
- Self-care for flu (pdf)
ResidentialResidential students remaining on campus who are ill should:
- Self-isolate in their room, avoiding all common areas, especially the dining hall.
- Either you or a friend can pick up a to-go meal from our dining halls.
- Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and get plenty of rest.
- Wear a mask when using shared bathrooms. Supplies are available in each residence.
- Keep in frequent contact with family.
EmergencyCall Emergency Medical Services at 978-934-4911 for any serious symptoms, including:
- Rapid heart rate
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fever greater than 104◦F that cannot be reduced with by fever-reducing medicines
- Sudden dizziness or confusion
- Severe chest or abdominal pain
With a strong community effort we hope to have a healthy start to the semester.
More Information
For more information about the national flu incidence please consult the Centers for Disease Control website or contact UMass Lowell Health Services.
You can also read this Flu & You pamphlet (pdf) and learn more about the flu (influenza).