Faculty: How to Review Accommodation Letters Video

Instructions for Faculty to Sign Accommodation Letters

  1. You will receive an email stating that an Accommodation Letter has been created for a student in your class. The email will provide you with the student name and course information.
    • To view and sign the letter, please log into Accommodate by following the link in the email.
    • If you are not logged in automatically, use your UMass Lowell email address and password for login information.
  2. Once logged in, if you have any new Accommodation Letters that you have not yet reviewed, you will see a “Letters to Review” section. Click on the “Review” button for one of the students to view their accommodation letter.
  3. Scroll down to review the Accommodation Letter. At the bottom of the letter, type your name in the signature field and click “Sign”. If you have more letters to review, the “Next” button in the bottom right will bring you to the next letter.
  4. Once you have completed signing all of the letters, click the “Return to Home” button.
  5. To ensure you have reviewed all of the letters, refresh your browser. If the “Letters to Review” section has disappeared, you have completed reviewing all letters.
    To view any letters you have received in the past, go to the “Accommodation Letters” link in the menu on the left side of the screen.

Additional Tips

You can now view your entire class roster to see who in your class has accommodations.

  1. Click on the “Courses” tab.
  2. Click the course you are interested in seeing.
  3. Click “Enrolled Students”.
  4. You can view all of the students in the class who have accommodations. Each entry will indicate what accommodations the student has been approved for.