By Dean Noureddine Melikechi
The horrific act of violence that ended in the murder of George Floyd is neither accidental nor isolated. It is the result of centuries of racism and injustice. Ignored, these ills have cost lives and compromised dreams; they have left families with a deep sense of hurt, torn apart communities, and created dangerous societal problems.
As the primary targets of racism, the black students, staff and faculty of the Kennedy College of Sciences, their families and loved ones are particularly hurt. Today, and every day, it is my hope and expectation that students, staff, and faculty of the College will commit, more than ever before, to promote a diverse, inclusive and engaged community in which every person feels that their voice is heard and respected.
I echo our Chancellor’s message that this is a time for “strong and peaceful action.” With the killing of any human being, each of us dies a little bit. The brutal killing of George Floyd is an urgent reminder that much needs to be done in the United States and the world. May our actions honor his life by jointly pursuing justice and equality for all.
UML Resources for student support
- UMatter2: For students seeking mental health support
- UMass Lowell Diversity Portal
- Campus Ministries: For anonymous reporting
- Counseling Services at the Wellness Center