By Michael Rutherford

The performance management cycle for staff begins each year in April, so for this cycle, the performance period being evaluated is April 1, 2022 through March 31, 2023. The completion of the performance evaluation is important to ensure continual feedback with employees, recognize their contributions over the past year, and identify opportunities for development and continued engagement.

Managers and supervisors should again focus this year’s performance management cycle on accomplishments and goals, and to particularly reflect on the successes and challenges employees faced during the evaluation cycle. For example, what have we learned from our challenges over the past year? Are there changes we’ve made and things we’ve learned that we should build into plans moving forward? Where are opportunities to continue to work together to support more success into the future?

We also encourage employees to take the opportunity, in advance of meeting with your manager/supervisor, to complete their self-evaluation noting their achievements over this past year and goals and objectives for the upcoming year. The university has overcome the many challenges that were presented to us over this past year. Completing a self-evaluation is a great way for employees to share the innovative ideas and strategies they used to help get through the past year and contribute to the university’s success.

Employee Learning, Engagement and Development offers Performance Management workshops for both managers and staff. These workshops provide an overview of the UMass Lowell Performance Planning & Evaluation Program process and guidelines on preparing for and conducting the performance evaluation meeting. Please visit our website to register for the session of your choice.

Performance Planning & Evaluation Program (For Managers)

  • Feb. 6, 2023, 10 a.m. – Noon
  • Feb. 13, 2023, 1 – 3 p.m.

Performance Planning & Evaluation Program (For Staff Members)

  • Feb. 8, 2023, 10 a.m. - Noon
  • Feb. 15, 2023, 1 – 3 p.m.

Performance evaluation forms are available on our website and are included below in a printable .doc format for your convenience.

Please be sure to review the UMass Lowell Performance Management Reference Guide (pdf) and the Performance Management timeline. Forms can be saved as a Word document or pdf.

Completed forms should be emailed directly to Maria_Figueroa@uml.edu.

We are committed to ensuring that this process is successful for all staff and managers. If you feel you need assistance, have questions, or need additional time to complete this year performance evaluation, please contact Ruby Carnevale at 978-934-3464.