Naming of the School and Endowed Chair

The School of Nursing was renamed in April 2017 to the Susan and Alan Solomont School of Nursing in recognition of the Solomonts' generosity to the university and nursing programs.
Alan Solomont, who earned an undergraduate degree in nursing in 1977, shared his inspirational story at the naming celebration. Here's an excerpt:
"A funny thing happened to me on the way to the revolution. I got a job as an orderly at the D’Youville Manor Nursing Home just across the river, and I got fired as a result of a union organizing campaign. I enjoyed taking care of the elderly men to whom I was assigned, and I figured with a nursing degree, I could continue the organizing work and make enough money to pay the rent.
I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but as I visited several nursing schools, I met the Chair of the Department of Nursing at the recently created University of Lowell, the result of the merger of Lowell Tech and Lowell State Teachers College. Eleanor Shalhoup convinced me to enroll in her baccalaureate program and even offered to let me finish in three years, owing to the four year degree I had from Tufts. I loved being a student here, coming to campus each day with my golden retriever Ishmael, who would meet me in the afternoons at the building where, as a work study student, I tutored underclassmen in Anatomy and Physiology." Read all of his remarks.
Read the press release: UMass Lowell Celebrates Naming of Susan and Alan Solomont School of Nursing.
The Donna Manning Endowed Chair
The Donna Manning Endowed Chair for Nursing will be awarded to an exceptional new faculty member who exhibits excellence and leadership in the field of nursing and health research.
The endowed chair was established by UMass Lowell graduates Robert and Donna Manning. Donna Manning earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing and an MBA at UMass Lowell and has had a distinguished career as an oncology nurse at Boston Medical Center for nearly three decades.
The Mannings also supported scholarships and the new Pulichino Tong Business Building, which is home to the business school named for Robert Manning, chairman of the UMass Board of Trustees and chairman and co-CEO of MFS Investment Management.