All English Department minors are open to students enrolled in any undergraduate college at the University. Students who choose to do a minor in English or Theatre Arts should review the UMass Lowell online Undergraduate Catalog for requirements and consult with an English Department advisor.

English Minors
The Department offers the following minors:

English (General) general
The general English minor offers the flexibility for students to choose coursework that reflects their interests in literature or writing. For the latest information regarding curriculum, course listings, requirements and more please consult the UMass Lowell online Undergraduate Catalog.
For more information, please contact the English Department.

Creative Writing cw
The Creative Writing minor invites students outside the English major who are interested in writing poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction to study the reading and writing of those literary genres with a faculty of distinguished writers, and to participate in UMass Lowell’s vibrant community of writers. The flexible curriculum means that students may enroll in two or more English classes of their choice outside of the Creative Writing concentration—courses in Literature, Theatre, or Journalism and Professional Writing. The required upper-level Creative Writing courses will provide students with an outlet for artistry and imagination, and rigorous instruction in essential writing skills—precision, clarity, and vibrancy—that will serve them well in any future career or pursuit of an advanced degree.
For more information, please contact the English Department.

Journalism & Professional Writing jandpw
In this minor, students will learn how to write for an audience as a journalist or a writer in other professional contexts. The sequence requires an Introduction to Professional Writing course and subsequent coursework that focuses on learning different modes of professional writing. Students also have the option of pursuing a capstone project that involves writing in a professional setting, often as part of an internship. Ultimately, the goal of the minor is to prepare students for writing situations and challenges beyond the classroom.

Students in the JPW concentration have gone onto a variety of careers in journalism, public relations and marketing, social media managing, and technical writing in a broad variety of fields. We have a vibrant internship program of partnerships exclusively for our student for which minors would be eligible to participate.
Service Learning
Several of our courses are either primarily service learning courses or have service learning components, so students doing these courses can receive additional experience in the working world besides their work in the classroom.
For more information, please contact the English Department.

Theater Arts Minor theatre-arts
The interdisciplinary minor in Theatre Arts offers students professional instruction and supervision in the practical work of theatre together with critical study of the history and forms of dramatic literature.
Please see the UMass Lowell online undergraduate catalog for Theatre Arts Minor requirements.