
Marietta, Morgan, and Barker, David C. 2019. One Nation, Two Realities: Dueling Facts in American Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press.  

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Chenane, Joselyne L. (2022). Public opinion on immigration law enforcement, support for the police, and obligation to report undocumented immigrants to the police. Race and Justice, Online publication ahead of print. doi: 21533687221120950.
Chenane, Joselyne L., Pryce, Daniel K., & Seungeun Lee, C. (2022). An Experimental Assessment of the Public’s Views on Immigration When the Terms Illegal and Undocumented are Juxtaposed. Crime & Delinquency, Online publication ahead of print. doi:00111287221125391.
Socia, Kelly M., Stone, Rebecca, Palacios, Wilson, and Cluverius, John. (2022) “Too harsh for me but not for thee? Threat control, personal freedom, and perception of pandemic policy” Justice Quarterly. 39(7), 1592-1617. doi:10.1080/07418825.2022.2117238
Peterson, Holly L., Chad Zanocco,  &   Aaron Smith-Walter. (2022). "Lost in Translation: Narrative Salience of Fear > Hope in Prevention of COVID-19." in Narratives and the Policy Process: Applications of the Narrative Policy Framework. Michael D. Jones, Mark K. McBeth,  &   Elizabeth A. Shanahan (eds.), Montana State University Library, 113-134. DOI: Article
Novick, Rachel, Socia, Kelly M.,  &   Pickett, Justin T. (2022) Asymmetric Compassion Collapse, Collateral Consequences, and Reintegration: An Experiment. Justice Quarterly 7(39), 1475-1498.
Socia, Kelly M. (2022). Driving Public Support: Support for a Law is Higher When the Law is Named After a Victim. Justice Quarterly, 39(7), 1449-1474.
Socia, Kelly M., Rydberg, Jason, & Dum, Christopher P. (2021). Punitive attitudes toward individuals convicted of sex offenses: A vignette study. Justice Quarterly, 38(6), 1262-1289.
Socia, Kelly M., Morabito, Melissa S., Bond, Brenda J., & Nader, Elias S. (2021). Public perceptions of police agency fairness and the willingness to call police. The American Review of Public Administration, 51(5), 360-373.
Socia, Kelly M., Stone, Rebecca, Palacios, Wilson, Cluverius, John. (2021) “Focus on Prevention: The public is more supportive of ‘Overdose Prevention Sites’ than they are of ‘Safe Injection Facilities.” Criminology & Public Policy, 20(4), 729-754. doi:10.1111/1745-9133.12566
Socia, Kelly M., Dum, Christopher P.,  &   Rydberg, Jason (2019). Turning a blind eye: Public support of emergency housing policies for sex offenders. Sexual Abuse, 31(1), 25-49.
Ciuchta, Michael. P. and Finch, Deborah. (2019). "The mediating role of self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intentions: Exploring boundary conditions." Journal of Business Venturing Insights 11: e00128.
Harris, Andrew J., & Cudmore, Rebecca (2018). Community experience with public sex offender registries in the United States: A national survey. Criminal justice policy review, 29(3), 258-279.
Dum, Christopher P., Socia, Kelly M., & Rydberg, Jason (2017). Public support for emergency shelter housing interventions concerning stigmatized populations: Results from a factorial survey. Criminology & Public Policy, 16(3), 835-877.
Socia, Kelly M., Jason Rydberg, and Christopher P. Dum. "Punitive Attitudes Toward Individuals Convicted of Sex Offenses: A Vignette Study." Justice Quarterly (2019): 1-28
Cluverius, John, and Joshua J. Dyck. 2019. “Deconstructing Popular Mythologies about Millennials and Party Identification." The Forum 17(2)
Ciuchta, Michael P., and Deborah Finch. 2019. "The mediating role of self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intentions: Exploring boundary conditions." Journal of Business Venturing Insights 11: e00128
Dyck, Joshua J. and Pearson-Merkowitz, Shanna. 2019. “Ballot Initiatives and Status Quo Bias.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly 19(2):180-207.
Dyck, Joshua J., Cluverius, John, and Gerson, Jeffrey. 2019. “Sports, Science, and Partisanship in the United States: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and the Polarisation of an Apolitical Issue.” International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics 11(1):133-152.    
Rydberg, Jason, Dum, Christopher P., and Socia, Kelly M. 2018. “Nobody gives a #%&!: a factorial survey examining the effect of criminological evidence on opposition to sex offender residence restrictions.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 14(4): 541-550.  
Dyck, Joshua J., Pearson-Merkowitz, Shanna, and Coates, Michael. 2018. “Political Distrust and Support for the Insurgent Candidacies of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Primary.” PS: Political Science and Politics 51(2):351-357.     
Marietta, Morgan, and Barker, David C. 2018. “The Role of Disputed Facts in the Contemporary Critique of Democracy.” Critical Review (accepted and forthcoming).  
Pearson-Merkowitz, Shanna and Dyck, Joshua J. 2017. “Crime and Partisanship: How Party ID Muddles Reality, Perception and Policy Attitudes on Crime and Guns.” Social Science Quarterly 98(2): 443-454. 
Harris, Andrew J. and Socia, Kelly M. 2016. “What’s in a Name? Evaluating the Effects of the ‘Sex Offender’ Label on Public Opinions and Beliefs.” Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment 28(7), 660-678. doi:10.1177/1079063214564391
Kunzendorf, Robert G. 2016. “The Core Metaphysical Foundations of Christian Conservatism and Areligious Liberalism Versus the Reversible Moral Perspectives of Areligious Conservatism and Christian Liberalism.” Imagination, Cognition and Personality: Consciousness in Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice 35(3):291-305.
Pearson-Merkowitz, Shanna, Filindra, Alexandra, and. Dyck, Joshua J. 2016 “When Partisans and Minorities Interact: Interpersonal Contact, Partisanship and Public Opinion Preferences on Immigration Policy.” Social Science Quarterly 97(2):311-324.   
Socia, Kelly M., and Harris, Andrew J. 2016. “Evaluating public perceptions of the risk presented by registered sex offenders: Evidence of Crime Control Theater?” Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. 22(4), 375-385. doi:10.1037/law0000081
Kunzendorf, Robert G. 2015. “Psychological Subscales of Liberalism and Conservatism as Related to Political Party, Race, Education, Religion, Geographical Region, and Gender.” Imagination, Cognition and Personality: Consciousness in Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice 35(1):84-103.


Rabinovich, Misha. 2016. Debt Positive. 3 Jun.-24 Jun. 2016, Flux Factory Gallery, New York, NY.

Working Papers, Conference Presentations

Novick, R., Socia, K.M., and Pickett, J.T. “Asymmetric Value Collapse, Collateral Consequences, and Reintegration: An Experimental Study.” American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA. November 2022.
Socia, K.M., Stone, R., Palacios, W.R., and Cluverius, J. “Beyond framing: How respondent characteristics and experiences influence support for safe injection facilities in the United States.” Howard League Crime, Justice, & Social Harms Conference. Oxford, UK. September 2022
Socia, Kelly M., Palacios, Wilson R., and Stone, Rebecca. “The influence of message framing on support for safe injection facilities in the United States.” Annual Meetings of the Criminology Consortium, Online conference. 2020
Rydberg, Jason, Socia, Kelly M., and Dum, Christopher P. (November 2019). Shooting the messenger: Experimental evidence for how knowledge claims on punitive responses to individuals convicted of sexual offenses impacts perceived expert credibility. Presented to the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
Rydberg, Jason, Socia, Kelly M., and Dum, Christopher P. (November 2018). Nobody gives a shit ... or do they? Variation in the effects of communicating criminological evidence on opposition to sex offender residence restrictions. Presented to the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Rydberg, Jason, Socia, Kelly M., and Dum, Christopher P., Cole, Katrina. (Under review). Shooting the messenger: Perceptions of expert credibility after making knowledge claims on punitive responses to individuals convicted of sexual offenses.
Cluverius, John and Banda, Kevin. “How the Progressive Label Affects Ideological Assessments of Others.” CPO working paper. 
Cluverius, John, Banda, Kevin K., and Hannah R. Daly. “How the Alt-Right Label Informs Political Assessments.” CPO working paper.  
Dyck, Joshua J., and Pearson-Merkowitz, Shanna. “Direct Democracy, Issue Type, and Status Quo Bias.” Presented at the 15th Annual State Politics and Policy Conference, Sacramento, CA, May 28-30, 2015.
Dyck, Joshua J., and Cluverius, John. “Deconstructing Popular Mythologies about Millennials and Party Identification.” Paper prepared for presentation at the 2017 Midwest Political Science Association Conference.  (revise and resubmit at The Forum) 
Marietta, Morgan, and Barker, David C. “Premises in Political Belief Systems: Empirical Assumptions as a Foundation of Ideology and Choice.” American Political Science Association Meetings, Philadelphia, PA, September 2016
Marietta, Morgan, and Barker, David C. “Your Facts or Mine? Understanding Politicized Fact Perceptions.” Midwest Political Science Association Meetings, Chicago April 2016. (Other versions of this paper were presented at Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES) Conference, Sundance, UT, June 2015, and American Political Science Association Meetings, Washington, D.C. August 2014.)
Marietta, Morgan, and Barker, David C. “Two-Fact Politics: Competing Realities and the Missing Fact-Value Distinction.” Midwest Political Science Association Meetings, Chicago April 2014. 
Marietta, Morgan, and Barker, David C. “Premises: The Overlooked Building Blocks of Public Attitudes.” American Political Science Association Meetings, Chicago August 2013. 
Morabito, Melissa. “Minority Representation and Police Legitimacy: Does Representation Influence Support for the Police?” CPO Working Paper
Rydberg, Jason, Dum, Christopher P., and Socia, Kelly M. “Falling on deaf ears: The effect of criminological research findings on public support for sex offender residence restrictions.” Presented to the American Society of Criminology annual meeting in Philadelphia, PA, November, 2017.
Yakovchenko, V.,Kras, K.R., & Byrne, J.B. “Criminal Thinking in the General Population.” To be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA, November, 2018.