January 25Spring classes begin
January 29Last day to add course without a permission number
February 5Last day for refund of tuition & fees
Last day for add/drop with a permission number (late registration/enrollment changes)
February 15President's Day (university closed)
February 16Monday class schedule
March 19No classes
March 22Last day to submit Declaration of Intent to Graduate form and/or Certificate Clearance form. All forms should be submitted to graduate coordinator
March 26Fall 2021 schedule of classes will be viewable in SIS
April 5Advising/Fall registration begins
SIS system open for enrolled students
April 19Patriot's Day (university closed)
April 26Students should plan to defend thesis/dissertation by this date 
Students should plan to submit their thesis/dissertation draft by this date
April 30Last day of spring semester classes
Last day to drop classes with grade of “W” for regular session. All other sessions see Graduate, Online & Professional Studies calendar.  
Last day for student submission of work to resolve fall 2020 and winter 2021 courses incomplete grades.
Deadline to submit final, fully approved thesis/dissertation (all edits and ETD admin approval)
May 1Reading Day (no classes or exams)
May 3-8Spring semester exams
May 10Make-up final exam
May 11Deadline for final grades to be recorded in SIS by 4 p.m. Last day for faculty to submit grade changes for fall 2020 and winter 2021 courses incomplete grades.
May 12University Commencement - Doctoral
May 13University Commencement - Bachelor's and Master's
May 14University Commencement - Bachelor's and Master's