At a Glance

Year: ‘24
Major(s): B.S. in Public Health
Activities: Research

Public Health BS

As a public health major, you’ll prepare for a career that creates healthy communities through education, research and promotion of healthy environments and lifestyles.

When Meilani Chen was a high school student at Boston Latin School, she volunteered at Tufts Medical Center and witnessed the advanced stages of diseases in patients.

“This experience motivated me to think about proactive approaches to disease prevention, which led me to major in public health,” says Chen, who is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Public Health from the Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences.

Emigrating with her family at the age of 9 from Guandgong, China, Chen didn’t know a word of English, but was a fast learner. Since her first year at UMass Lowell (UML), she has earned a place on the dean’s list, finding the support she needed to excel in and out of the classroom.

“From the beginning, UMass Lowell offered an abundance of opportunities, with faculty members who brought an incredible quality to teaching and research,” she says. “Their commitment to teaching and mentorship demonstrated a genuine passion for helping students succeed and thrive. UML offers this quality of education and amazing campus environment at a much more accessible cost than other colleges.”

Outside the classroom, Chen worked alongside Assoc. Prof. Herpreet Thind of the Department of Public Health on a research project analyzing the effects of yoga on patients with diabetes.

“This research project sharpened my ability using objective measurements and statistical analysis,” Chen says. “I gained a firsthand understanding of intricate connections between lifestyle factors and overall health.”

Looking ahead, Chen will continue her education at Harvard University on a full scholarship with the goal of earning a Ph.D. and working in the field of epidemiology.

“I am very thankful to all my professors for their support and guidance throughout my academic journey,” she says. “I am proud to be a future alum of UML and what I was able to achieve here.”

Why UML?

Meilani Chen.

“UML offers this quality of education and amazing campus environment at a much more accessible cost than other colleges.”