By Sara Marks

We’re excited to continue to support you and your students this year! Please don’t hesitate to take advantage of all the amazing resources available for your research and teaching needs, from our books (both print and ebooks), videos, and databases, to our Ask A Librarian service and LibGuides for research support.

Both O'Leary Library on South and Lydon Library on North are open and available. Our hours for the semester are:
  • Monday - Thursday 7 a.m. to midnight
  • Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Sunday 12:30 p.m. to midnight

When you or your students need help with research, Ask A Librarian is available. Our Frequently Asked Questions Search page covers hundreds of topics and you can email ask@uml.libanswers.com for personalized help. Watch for an announcement about the return of in-person reference support at both libraries!

Help us welcome our new staff members.

This summer we welcomed Steph Schweighardt as our new Access Services Manager at Lydon Library on North Campus. Among other things, she can help you with Intertlibrary Loan and reserves.

Amanda Rust has joined us the new Associate Director for Research & Learning. She can help your students find answers to their research questions. She wants to hear about your classroom teaching and research needs as we build a new Research & Learning team.

Sara Marks has been promoted to Assistant Director for Communications & User Experience. She would love to collaborate with you to develop displays and events that promote the library’s collections and extend student learning outside of the classroom.

Are you showing a video to your students? With the University’s migration from Ensemble to Yuja, we recommend checking any video links you use in your courses in advance of the class; if there’s an issue, contact Celine Beaudry, Celine_Beaudry@uml.edu, and we will provide the updated link. We now offer Kanopy, a streaming video service that provides access to movies, documentaries, foreign films, and more, all ready to share with your class. You can find the link on our databases page.

Find us online at:
  • Instagram: umllibraries
  • Twitter: UMLlibraries
  • Facebook: umlowelllibraries
  • YouTube

Remember, you can visit the main library webpage for direct access to everything we offer. We’re excited to collaborate with you this year!