Peter Tashman.

Peter Tashman, Ph.D.

Chair, Associate Professor of Strategic Management

Manning School of Business
(978) 934-5527
Pulichino Tong Business Center - 344


  • Ph D: Strategic Management, (2011), George Washington University, School of Business - Washington, DC
  • BA: German and European Studies, (1993), University of Vermont, School of Arts and Sciences - Burlington, VT
  • BS: International Management, (1993), University of Vermont, School of Business Administration - Burlington, VT

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Department Research Award (2022), Scholarship/Research - Manning School
  • Finalist for Best Article of the Year (2020), Scholarship/Research - Academy of Management Perspectives
  • Reviewer of the Year (2020), Service, Community - Journal of Management Studies
  • Pillars of Excellence Award - Team Winner in Innovative Research and Entrepreneurship category (2019), Scholarship/Research - University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Best Paper Award Nominee (2018) - ONE Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting
  • Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing (2018), Service, Professional - Journal of World Business

Selected Publications

  • Yoon, D. (University of Leeds), Tashman, P., Benischke, M. (Rotterdam University), Doh, J. (Villanova) (2024). Climate impact, institutional context, and national climate change adaptation IP protection rates. Journal of Business Venturing, 39.
  • Benischke, M. (Erasmus University), Doh, J. (Villanova University), Tashman, P. (2023). Multinationals and cross-sector partnerships: Building social resilience through collective entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar Publishing
  • Flankova, S. (University of Liverpool), Tashman, P., Marano, V. (Northeastern University), Van Essen, M. (University of South Carolina) (2023). When are voluntary environmental programs more effective? A meta-analysis of the role of program governance quality. Business & Society.
  • Tashman, P., Spadafora, E. (Rochester Institute of Technology), Wagner, D. (Independent Researcher) (2023). A meta-analysis of how home-country formal institutions and type of diversification impact the diversification - performance relationship. Multinational Business Review, 31(1) 91-110.
  • Tashman, P., Marano, V., Kostova, T. (2022). Why Multinational Companies from Emerging Markets Need to Walk the Talk in Sustainability Reporting (1 pp. 9). Insights at Center for Emerging Markets
  • Tashman, P., Flankova, S. (University of St. Gallen), Van Essen, M. (University of South Carolina), Marano, V. (Northeastern University) (2022). Why Do Firms Participate in Voluntary Environmental Programs? A Meta-Analysis of the Role of Institutions, Resources, and Program Stringency. Organization and Environment, 35(1) 3-29.
  • Aguilera, R. (Northeastern University), Aragon-Correa, J. (University of Granada), Marano, V. (Northeastern University), Tashman, P. (2021). The corporate governance of environmental sustainability: A review and a proposal for more integrated research. Journal of Management, 47(6) 1468-1497.
  • Tashman, P. (2021). A natural resource dependence perspective of the firm: How and why firms manage natural resource scarcity. Business & Society, 60(6) 1279-1311.
  • Doh, J. (Villanova University), Tashman, P., Benischke, M. (Rotterdam University) (2020). Cross-Sector Collaboration as a Vehicle for Corporate Sustainability: Evidence from Climate Change Projects (pp. 29-50). Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability and Society and Organizations Center of HEC
  • Doh, J. (Villanova University), Tashman, P., Benischke, M. (Rotterdam University) (2019). Adapting to Grand Environmental Challenges through Collective Entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Perspectives, 33(4) 450-468.
  • Tashman, P., Marano, V. (Northeastern University), Babin, J. (University of Georgia) (2019). Firm-specific assets and the internationalization - performance relationship in the U.S. movie studio industry. International Business Review, 28(4) 785-795.
  • Tashman, P., Marano, V. (Northeastern University), Kostova, T. (University of South Carolina) (2019). Walking the walk or talking the talk? Corporate social responsibility decoupling in emerging market multinationals. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(2) 153-171.
  • Marano, V. (Northeastern University), Tashman, P., Kostova, T. (University of South Carolina) (2017). Escaping the iron cage: Liabilities of origin and CSR reporting of emerging market multinational enterprises. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(3) 386-408.
  • Hamann, R. (University of Cape Town), Smith, J. (University of Cape Town), Tashman, P., Marshall, R.S. (Portland State University) (2017). Why do SMEs go green? An analysis of wine firms in South Africa. Business & Society, 56(1) 11–22.
  • Tashman, P., Rivera, J. (The George Washington University) (2016). Ecological uncertainty, adaptation and mitigation in the US ski resort industry: Managing resource dependence and institutional pressures. Strategic Management Journal, 37(7) 1507-1525.
  • Tashman, P., Winn, M. (University of Victoria), Rivera, J.E. (The George Washington University) (2015). Corporate climate change adaptation - An emerging field on non-market strategy in an uncertain world (pp. 295-314). Routledge
  • Doh, J.P. (Villanova University), Tashman, P. (2014). Half a world away: The integration and assimilation of corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and sustainable development in business school curricula. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 21(3) 131-142.
  • Tashman, P., Raelin, J. (The George Washington University) (2013). Who and what really matters to the firm: Moving stakeholder salience beyond managerial perceptions. Business Ethics Quarterly, 23(4) 591-616.
  • Marano, V. (University of South Carolina), Tashman, P. (2012). MNE/NGO partnerships and the legitimacy of the firm. International Business Review, 21(6) 1122-1130.
  • Tashman, P. (2011). Corporate Climate Change Adaptation, Vulnerability and Environmental Performance in the United States Ski Resort Industry. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
  • Tashman, P., Rivera, J. (The George Washington University) (2010). Are Members of Business for Social Responsibility More Responsible? Policy Studies Journal, 38(3) 487-514.
  • Tashman, P., Marano, V. (University of South Carolina) (2009). Dynamic capabilities and base of the pyramid business strategies. Journal of Business Ethics, 89(4) 495-514.

Selected Presentations

  • The power of nature: Understanding the firm's dependence on nature - Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2022 - Seattle, WA
  • Climate risk and national climate change adaptation innovation rates: The role of institutional context - Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability Annual Conference, 2022 - Milan, IT
  • Can sticks and stones break your bones? A cross-country study of the state’s impact on greenwashing - Annual Conference of the International Corporate Governance Society, 2022 - virtual
  • Meta-analysis on Voluntary Environmental Program Effectiveness: Assessing the Role of Program Stringency - Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability Annual Conference, 2021 - virtual
  • State ownership and corporate environmental performance: A cross country examination of resource dependence and institutional pressures - Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 2020 - Virtual
  • Why do firms participate in voluntary environmental programs? A meta-analysis of the role of institutions, resources and program stringency - Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 2020 - Virtual
  • Impact, Sustainable, Social and Environmental Entrepreneurship - Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 2019 - Boston, MA
  • Management Research on corporate adaptation to climate change - Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 2019 - Boston, MA
  • Journal of Management Studies - Journal of World Business Editorial Paper Development Workshop - Academy of International Business Annual Conference, June 2019 - Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Global Environmental Regulations: The Way Forward - Academy of International Business Annual Conference, June 2019 - Copenhagen, Denmark

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Climate risk, corporate resources and corporate climate change adaptations (2024), Grant - UML Office of Research Development
    Tashman, P.