Khondkar Karim

Dr. Khondkar Karim, CPA

Professor; Director of Research

Manning School of Business
(978) 934-2831
Pulichino Tong Business Center - 3rd Floor

Research Interests

Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Behavioral Accounting

Market based accounting, judgment decision making, impact of regulatory changes on accounting numbers, Corporate Governance, accounting education.


  • DBA: Accounting, (1996), Mississippi State University - Mississippi
    Supporting Area: Finance and Business Quantitative Analysis
    Dissertation/Thesis Title: An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Accounting Based Debt Covenants on the Magnitude of Long Window Earnings Response Coefficient
  • MS, (1987), Eastern Michigan University
  • MBA: Accounting, (1984), University of Dhaka
  • BBA: Accounting, (1983), University of Dhaka


Karim has published over 80 articles in various refereed journals including Accounting Organizations and Society (AOS), Behavioral Research in Accounting (BRIA), Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (JAPP), Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting (JBFA), Corporate Governance: A International Review (CGIR), Journal of Corporate Finance, Accounting Horizons, Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, Managerial Auditing Journal, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Applied Financial Economics, Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, International Journal of Finance, Advances in Accounting, Advances in International Accounting, Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, Research in Finance, International Journal of Auditing, and The Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business. He is also the recipient of a 1999 ANBAR Citation of Excellence for AOS paper. He has received the outstanding teaching award and outstanding research award in 1997 and 1999 respectively. He was recognized as one of the most productive accounting doctoral graduates in a study published in Advances in Accounting. It identified the top 10 doctoral graduates by the year of their graduation and the number of publications within the top 40 selected accounting journals. He has co-edited a monograph on Environmental Disclosure Practices and Financial Performance and two special issues of Managerial Finance on Performance Measurement and Evaluation. He served on the editorial board of Issues in Accounting Education. Currently, he serves at the Editor of Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research.

Selected Publications

  • Choi, H., Karim, K., Tao, A. (2022). CEO Origin and Stock Price Crash Risk: Insider versus Outsider CEOs. Corporate Governance: An International Review, Forthcoming.
  • Lin, J., Karim, K., hu, R., Dunn, S. (2022). Fifty shades of CEO duality: CEO personal risk preference, duality and corporate risk-taking. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 24.
  • Akono, H., Choi, H., Karim, K. (2021). Convertible debt usage and the pricing of audit services. Accounting Horizons, Forthcoming.
  • Chen, H., Karim, K., Tao, A. (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility Concerns and Stock Price Crash Risk along the Supply Chain. Advances in accounting, 52(c).
  • Liu, Y., Gan, H., Karim, K. (2021). The effectiveness of chief financial officer board membership in improving corporate investment efficiency. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.
  • Karim, K., Li, J., Lin, J., Robin, A. (2021). Directing with a Style? Board Interlock and the Diffusion of Accounting Practice. Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, 49(1-2) 3-32.
  • Liu, Y., Gan, H., Karim, K. (2020). Corporate risk‑taking after adoption of compensation clawback provision (54: pp. 617–649). Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
  • Hu, R., Karim, K., Lin, K.J., Tan, J. (2020). Do Investors Want Politically Connected Independent Directors? Evidence from Forced Resignations of Politically Connected Independent Directors in China. Journal of Corporate Finance, 61(101421).
  • Choi, H., Hu, R., Karim, K. (2020). The effect of consistency in book-tax differences on analysts’ earnings forecasts: Evidence from forecast accuracy and informativeness. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 39(3) 106740.
  • Karim, K., Lin, K.J., Pinsker, R., Zhu, H. (2019). Using Linguistics to Mine Unstructured Data from FASB Exposure Drafts. Journal of Information Systems, 33(1) 67-83.
  • Tang, J.J., Casello Bouges, J.F., Karim, K. (2018). Corporate social responsibility performance under various economic conditions. International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 10(2) 123--152.
  • Liu, Y., Gan, H., Karim, K. (2018). The effectiveness of clawback adoptions in mitigating over-investments – Does board governance play a role? Advances in Accounting, 40 61 - 75.
  • Kanagaretnam, K., Karim, K., Suh, S. (). Are busy audit committee effective monitoring? Evidence from financial reporting quality. Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 17 (2020) 123-161.
  • Karim, K., Lee, E.J., Suh, S. (2018). Corporate social responsibility and CEO compensation structure. Advances in Accounting, 40 27-41.
  • Tang, J.J., Karim, K. (2017). BIG DATA in Business Analytics: Implications for the Audit Profession. CPA Journal, 87(6).
  • Karim, K. (2016). Advances in accounting behavioral research.
  • Karim, K., Suh, S., Tang, J. (2016). Do ethical firms create value? Social Responsibility Journal, 12(1) 54–68.
  • Liu, Y., Kim, T., Karim, K. (2016). Is classified board the weak corporate governance? Evidence from financial restatements. Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, (14) 141--169.
  • Rutledge, R.W., Karim, K., Lu, S. (2016). The Effects of Board Independence and CEO Duality on Firm Performance: Evidence from the NASDAQ-100 Index with Controls for Endogeneity. Journal of Applied Business & Economics, 18(2).
  • Rutledge, R.W., Karim, K., Kim, T. (2016). The FASB’s and IASB’s New Revenue Recognition Standard: What Will Be the Effects on Earnings Quality, Deferred Taxes, Management Compensation, and on Industry-Specific Reporting?. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance (Wiley), 27(6) 43.
  • Holder, A., Karim, K., Lin, K.J., Pinsker, R. (2016). Do material weaknesses in information technology-related internal controls affect firms’ 8-K filing timeliness and compliance? International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 22 26.
  • Karim, K., Robin, A., Suh, S. (2016). Board Structure and Audit Committee Monitoring: Effects of Audit Committee Monitoring Incentives and Board Entrenchment on Audit Fees. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 31(2) 249.
  • Cheng, X., Karim, K., Lin, K.J. (2015). A cross–cultural comparison of whistleblowing perceptions. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 14(1) 15–31.
  • Rutledge, R.W., Karim, K., Gong, J. (2015). Convergence of PRC GAAP with IFRS, and the Comparative Value Relevance Between the Two Sets of Reporting Standards: The Case of Dual-Listed Chinese Companies. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 15(4) 165.
  • Karim, K., Suh, S., Carter, C.P., Zhang, M. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from the United Kingdom. Journal of International Business Research, 14(1) 85.
  • Lin, K.J., Tan, J., Zhao, L., Karim, K. (2015). In the name of charity: Political connections and strategic corporate social responsibility in a transition economy. Journal of Corporate Finance, 32 327-346.
  • Lin, K.J., Karim, K., Carter, C.P. (2015). Why does China’s stock market have highly synchronous stock price movements? An information supply perspective. Advances in Accounting, 31(1) 68-79.
  • Lin, K.J., Karim, K., Carter, C.P. (2014). Stock Price Informativeness and Idiosyncratic Return Volatility in Emerging Markets: Evidence from China (17:4 pp. -1). Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets & Policies
  • Lin, K.J., Karim, K., Carter, C. (2014). Stock Price Informativeness and Idiosyncratic Return Volatility in Emerging Markets: Evidence from China. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 17(4) 1-28.
  • Rutledge, R., Karim, K., Aleksanyan, M., Wu, C. (2014). An examination of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance: The case of Chinese state-owned enterprises. Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management, 5 1-22.
  • Rutledge, R.W., Karim, K., Luo, X. (2014). The effects of SOX on firms audited by big-4-versus non-big-4 audit firms. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 14(1) 86.
  • Pathak, J., Karim, K., Suh, S., Zhang, Z. (2014). Do characteristics of audit committees and board of directors influence earnings management? International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 13(4) 356-379.
  • Rutledge, R.W., Karim, K., Li, C. (2014). A Study of the Relationship between Renminbi Exchange Rates and Chinese Stock Prices. International Economic Journal, 28(3) 381-403.
  • Pathak, J., Karim, K., Suh, S., Ziwen, X. (2014). Do Audit Committee and Characteristics of Board of Directors Influence Earnings Management? SSRN Working Paper Series
  • Armand, J.S., Karim, K. (2014). Fair Value Accounting - The Culprit Behind the Great Recession of 2008? Internal Auditing, 29(2) 8-11.
  • Holder, A.D., Fogarty, T.J., Karim, K., Carter, C. (2014). Political Costs at the Pump: Earnings Management in the Oil Industry 2000-2009. Oil, Gas & Energy Quarterly, 417-448.
  • Peary, E., Karim, K., Suh, S., Strickland, S., Carter, C.P. (2014). An examination of relationships among internal control weakness, audit fees, and auditor changes. Internal Auditing, 29(1) 17-21.
  • Peary, E., Karim, K., Suh, S., Strickland, S., Carter, C.P. (2013). An Examination of SOX’s Impact on Internal Control Weaknesses. Internal Auditing.
  • Suh, S., Karim, K. (2013). Corporate social responsibility in the oil industry: A comparison of the CSR disclosure behavior in BP and CNPC. Advances in Business Research.
  • Karim, K., Pinsker, R., Robin, A. (2013). Firm size and the voluntary disclosure of nonfinancial information by private versus public firm managers. Managerial Auditing Journal, 28(9) 866-892.
  • Pathak, J., Karim, K., Carter, C., Xie, Y. (2013). Why do enterprise risk management systems fail? Evidence from a case study of AIG. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 6(4) 345-371.
  • Aleksanyan, M., Karim, K. (2013). Searching for value relevance of book value and earnings: A case of premium versus discount firms. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 41(3) 489-511.
  • Holder, A., Karim, K., Lin, K.c., Woods, M. (2013). A content analysis of the comment letters to the FASB and IASB: Accounting for contingencies. Advances in Accounting, 29(1) 134-153.
  • Holder, A., Karim, K., Robin, A. (2013). Was Dodd-Frank justified in exempting small firms from section 404b compliance? Accounting Horizons, 27(1) 1-22.
  • Rutledge, R.W., Karim, K., Wang, R. (2013). International Copper Futures Market Price Linkage and Information Transmission: Empirical Evidence from the Primary World Copper Markets. Journal of International Business Research, 12(1) 113.
  • Karim, K., Pinsker, R. (2012). Do firms' comply with the shorter form 8-K reporting deadlines? Initial evidence on the effectiveness of the SEC's 2004 current report rule. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 15(1).
  • Holder, A.D., Karim, K. (2012). Loss Contingencies Face Controversy in Convergence. CPA Journal, 82(1) 34-39.
  • Holder, A., Karim, K., Lin, K.J. (2012). What Does the Dodd—Frank Act Mean for the Accounting Profession? Internal Auditor, (August).
  • Karim, K., Pinsker, R.E. (2011). Has Form 8-K reporting become timelier post-regulation fair disclosure and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act? Initial evidence. Research in Accounting Regulation, 23(2) 167-171.
  • Emerson, D.J., Karim, K., Rutledge, R.W. (2010). Fair value accounting: A historical review of the most controversial accounting issue in decades. Journal of Business & Economics Research (JBER), 8(4).
  • Rutledge, R., Karim, K. (2009). Determinants of Coauthorship for the Most Productive Authors of Accounting Literature. Journal of Education for Business, 84(3) 130 - 134.
  • Karim, K., Lacina, M.J., Rutledge, R.W. (2006). The association between firm characteristics and the level of environmental disclosure in financial statement footnotes. Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management, 3 77-109.
  • Tahai, A., Rutledge, R.W., Karim, K. (2004). An examination of financial integration for the group of seven (G7) industrialized countries using an I (2) cointegration model. Applied Financial Economics, 14(5) 327-335.
  • Karim, K., Rutledge, R.W. (2004). Environmental Disclosures Practices and Financial Performance. Quorum Books
  • Lacina, M.J., Karim, K. (2004). Tests of Market Reaction and Analysts' Forecast Revisions to the Disclosure of Improved Management Earnings Expectations: A Case of Concurrent Bad News Management Earnings Forecasts. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 23(2) 123-148.
  • Yhim, H.P., Karim, K., Rutledge, R.W. (2003). The association between disclosure level and information quality: voluntary management earnings forecasts. Applied Financial Economics, 13(9) 677-692.
  • Karim, K., Rutledge, R.W., Gara, S.C., Ahmed, M.U. (2001). An Empirical Examination of the Pricing of Seasoned Equity Offerings: A Test of the Signaling Hypothesis. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 17(1) 63-79.
  • Rutledge, R.W., Karim, K. (1999). The influence of self-interest and ethical considerations on managers’ evaluation judgments. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 24(2) 173–184.
  • Karim, K., Siegel, P.H. (1998). A signal detection theory approach to analyzing the efficiency and effectiveness of auditing to detect management fraud. Managerial Auditing Journal, 13(6) 367-375.
  • Deshmukh, A., Karim, K., Siegel, P.H. (1998). An analysis of efficiency and effectiveness of auditing to detect management fraud: a signal detection theory approach. International Journal of Auditing, 2(2) 127-138.
  • Siegel, P.H., Reinstein, A., Karim, K., Rigsby, J.T. (1998). The role of peer relationships during CPA firm mergers. Behavioral Research in Accounting, 10 270-277.

Selected Presentations

  • Fifty Shades of CEO Duality: CEO Personal Risk Preference, Duality, and Corporate Risk-Taking - American Accounting Association NE regional meeting, October 2022 - Online
  • Is CEO–Board Chair Duality Always Bad for Firms? Evidence from Dual CEOs with Pilot Licenses. - American Accounting Association annual meeting, August 2021 - Online
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and CEO Compensation Structure - American Accounting Association Meeting, 2016
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and CEO Compensation Structure - Financial Management Association Meeting, 2015
  • A Content Analysis of the Comment Letters to the FASB and IASB: Accounting for Contingencies - AAA National Meeting, August 2012 - Washington, D.C.
  • Stock Price Informativeness in Emerging Markets: Evidence from China - AAA National Meeting, August 2012 - Washington, D.C.
  • Tax Incentives and Earnings Management in the Oil Industry (co-authored) - AAA Ohio Regional Meeting, May 2012 - Covington, KY
  • Was Dodd-Frank Justified in Exempting Small Firms from Section 404b Compliance? (co-authored) - AAA Ohio Regional Meeting, May 2012 - Covington, KY
  • Was Dodd-Frank Justified in Exempting Small Firms from Section 404b Compliance? (co-authored) - Manning School of Business Research Colloqium, April 2012
  • Was Dodd-Frank Justified in Exempting Small Firms from Section 404b Compliance? (co-authored), March 2012 - New Orleans, LA
  • Tax Incentives and Earnings Management in the Oil Industry (co-authored) - Manning School of Business Research Colloqium, December 2011
  • Do Private Firm Managers Make Key Accounting Decisions Like their Public Firm Counterparts? (co-authored) - AAA National Meeting, August 2011 - Denver, CO
  • Analyst Experience and Rounding of EPS Forecast (co-authored) - AAA Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Mid-Year Meeting, January 2011 - Tampa, FL
  • Do Managers of Private Firms Approach Qualitative Materiality Judgments Like their Public Firm Counterparts? A Study with Implications for Potential U.S. Adoption of IFRS (co-authored) - 2010 British Accounting Association Conference, 2010 - Cardiff, Wales, UK
  • Analyst Experience and Rounding of EPS Forecast (J. Lessard) - Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of AAA, 2010 - Philadelphia, PA
  • Study Incorporating the FIRO-B Demographic Characteristics and Social Skills Preferences among Auditors: An Exploratory Study (J. Lessard) - Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of AAA, 2010 - Philadelphia, PA
  • Analyst Forecast Accuracy and Firm Growth (J. Lessard) - Southwest Meeting of AAA, 2010 - Dallas, TX
  • Value Relevance of Book Value and Earnings: The Case of Premium vs. Discount Firms (with Aleksanyan) - Southwestern Finance Association Meeting, 2010 - Dallas, TX
  • Analyst Experience and Rounding of EPS Forecast (co-authored) - AAA National Meeting, August 2010 - San Francisco, CA
  • Searching for Value Relevance of Book Value and Earnings (co-authored) - AAA National Meeting, August 2010 - San Francisco, CA
  • Your Parachute Is Still the Same Color: A Longitudinal Assessment of the Job Market for Academic Accountants (co-authored) - AAA National Meeting, August 2010 - San Francisco, CA
  • Study Incorporating the FIRO-B Demographic Characteristics and Social Skills Preferences Among Auditors: An Exploratory Study (co-authored) - Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting of AAA, April 2010 - Philadelphia, PA
  • Analyst Forecast Accuracy and Firm Growth (co-authored) - 37th Annual Meeting of Federation of Business Disciplines, March 2010 - Dallas, TX
  • Value Relevance, Book Value, and Earnings: The Case of Premium vs. Discount Firms (co-authored) - 37th Annual Meeting of Federation of Business Disciplines, March 2010 - Dallas, TX
  • What Factors Influence the Number of Coauthors in the Published Research of the Most Productive Authors in Accounting Literature? (R. Rutledge) - Annual Meeting of AAA, August 2009 - New York, NY
  • Value Relevance of Book Value and Earnings: Premium vs. Discount Firms (M. Aleksanyan) - British Accounting Association Annual Conference, April 2009 - Dundee, UK
  • What Factors Influence the Number of Coauthors in the Published Research of the Most Productive Authors in Accounting Literature? (R. Rutledge) - British Accounting Association Annual Conference, April 2009 - Dundee, UK
  • Does Increased Regulation and Legislation Improve the 8-K Reporting Behavior of Firms? An 8-K Investigation Pre and Post Regulation Fair Disclosure and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (with R. Pinsker and S. Gara) - Midwest Regional Meeting of AAA, 2008 - Troy, MI
  • Does Increased Regulation and Legislation Improve the 8-K Reporting Behavior of Firms? An 8-K Investigation Pre and Post Regulation Fair Disclosure and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (with R. Pinsker and S. Gara) - Annual Meeting of AAA, August 2008 - Anaheim, CA
  • Is There a Size Effect in the Pricing of Stocks in the Chinese Stock Markets? The Case of Bull Versus Bear Markets (with R. Rutledge and Z. Zhang) - Annual Meeting of AAA, August 2008 - Anaheim, CA
  • Trust, Fraud, and Internal Controls: A Game Theoretic Analysis (with A. Deshmukh) - Annual Meeting of AAA, August 2008 - Anaheim, CA