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Library Hours

From The Library

O'Leary Library Staff Meet and Greet DATE CHANGE

Hot chocolate bar.

The O'Leary Library Meet and Greet will now be on Tuesday, February 18 from 2-3 p.m. on the first floor of O’Leary Library.

Starbucks will be joining us to sample some of their new drinks.

We’d love to chat about how we can help you succeed in your classes this semester.

Join the University Library’s New Student Advisory Committee 

Overhead photo of a group of people sitting in lounge chairs around a coffee table.

The University Library needs your help! We’re starting a new Student Advisory Committee so you can share your feedback about the library, our collections, and services. We want to make sure the University Library supports you.

All students are welcome to join the committee.

We will have three meetings this semester. Two will be on campus and include lunch. One will be on Zoom. Here’s the Spring semester schedule:

  • Monday, February 24 from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. at University Crossing 490
  • March date to be determined (on Zoom)
  • April date to be determined (on campus)

Sign up for the Student Advisory Committee

Questions? Contact Sara Marks, the library's Assistant Director for Communications and User Experience by email: We look forward to chatting with you!