HR Direct – Positive Time Reporting
1. To login to HR Direct Employee Self Service navigate to the HR Direct website, and click HR Direct login icon.

2. Enter your Campus User ID*, Password**, and select “Lowell” as your Campus; click Login.
- *Campus User ID: UMass Lowell email address: i.e.
- **Password: same as your UMass Lowell email password.

3. You will then be prompted with a DUO Authentication screen saying you are being called to authenticate your log-in.

4. Navigate to Self Service > Time Reporting > Report Time > Timesheet. Click the Timesheet Link.
5. If you have multiple job records scroll to the bottom of the screen, click on the name that matches the appropriate job record. For users with a single job record – you will see Timesheet immediately.

Note: Use the Timesheet page to report hours and time reporting codes for the current pay period.
Unless otherwise requested by supervisor, the system deadline is by 5 p.m. Sunday of pay week, (i.e. the Sunday before checks are issued on Friday).
The defaults for the View By field are set on the User Preferences page. Values are Day, Week, or Time Period.

6. If you want to see a different date range, change the value in the Date field to reflect the starting date for the week, then click the Refresh button to update the page. Alternatively you can click on "Previous Week" or "Next Week" to scroll week by week.
7. Enter the desired number of hours into each day’s field.
8. Click the Time Reporting Code list in the dropdown menu and select REE – Reg Pay Non Teaching Alt Ret.
9. If you have no further entries, click "Submit".
10. Click "Ok".
Additional Information
Adding Comments
1. If you want to add an optional Comment to time submitted, click on Reported Time Status – click to view link.
2. The submitted time and time reporting codes are displayed. You can enter comments by clicking on the comments icon.

3. Comments box appears, enter appropriate comment. Comments are viewable by employee, manager and payroll. They cannot be deleted once saved.
4. Click the Save button twice, you will be returned to Time Sheet Entry.