Career & Co-op Center

From exploring majors to transitioning to a meaningful career, the Career & Co-op Center helps UMass Lowell undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni develop job search skills and make informed career choices while connecting them with employers.

Frequently Asked Career Questions

Do you have questions about how to best support your student in their career journey? Visit the Frequently Asked Questions from our Career & Co-op Center for suggestions on topics ranging from questioning a major to seeking an internship or full time job.

Important Things to Know

It's Never too Early to Start: It's never too early for your student to start thinking about their career development. We recommend students make an appointment with a member of our career services and cooperative education staff early, within their first year, to become acquainted with all the services offered and to be proactive in career planning. This could include clarifying an interest in a major or minor, starting the conversation about internships or co-ops, or starting (or editing) a resume.

Include the Academic College: Your student's professors and staff in their academic college can provide valuable insight into future careers and internships. Connecting with professors, taking advantage of research opportunities, and engaging in college sponsored programs and activities can be a great way to build career insight.